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  1. #1
    2017 DDO Players Council Starla70's Avatar
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    Default Frustrated with lack or real service

    I am a VIP, so I tend to pay for turbine points now and then, and the VIP account. When I have a serious issue, I would like a real answer other then we are working on it and it takes time.

    Issue, stepped into Tharashk Arena, catching up with another player. Suddenly neither of us could move. I mean locked up tight, nothing. We could type to each other in chat, chat itself worked. Stuck command did not, recall did not, log off did not, nothing worked. +removed+ was the DM who handled it. He basically gave the pre worded answer that lag is a issue that is being worked on. Lag, okay, but in playing the game for over 4 years, I have never had that happen.

    Used the control/alt/delete to get out of the game, and still am waiting to connect again. Considering the other player is states away, this is a issue. Is the quest down? One would think they would like to know when there are issues.
    Last edited by Cordovan; 08-18-2014 at 10:28 AM. Reason: community guidelines

  2. #2
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    That sounds like basic server lag. Eventually it happens to everybody. For me, it's pretty rare. If it's the only time it's happened to you in years of playing, you've been lucky. You must not have played Mabar much last year.

    If you are having trouble reconnecting after something like that happens, try logging to a different server. This seems to clear up the "cleaning up old connection" hang. Don't even have to enter a character, just log to the server, then back.

  3. #3
    2017 DDO Players Council Starla70's Avatar
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    Basic lag I get, you know the step, stop, step stop, then move so fast you go off a cliff. Wow if this is what is common, no wonder people give up on the game.

  4. #4
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starla70 View Post
    Basic lag I get, you know the step, stop, step stop, then move so fast you go off a cliff. Wow if this is what is common, no wonder people give up on the game.
    I wouldn't say it's common, but i guess that depends on personal opinion. Is once a month common? That's my guess on approximately how often it happens to me.

  5. #5
    Forum Turtle
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    Quote Originally Posted by FestusHood View Post
    I wouldn't say it's common, but i guess that depends on personal opinion. Is once a month common? That's my guess on approximately how often it happens to me.
    While I only tend to hit it twice a year maybe. It's not really common. I'm actually hitting it way more on ESO than I am on DDO.
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  6. #6
    The Hatchery Paleus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starla70 View Post
    I am a VIP, so I tend to pay for turbine points now and then, and the VIP account. When I have a serious issue, I would like a real answer other then we are working on it and it takes time.

    Issue, stepped into Tharashk Arena, catching up with another player. Suddenly neither of us could move. I mean locked up tight, nothing. We could type to each other in chat, chat itself worked. Stuck command did not, recall did not, log off did not, nothing worked. +removed+ was the DM who handled it. He basically gave the pre worded answer that lag is a issue that is being worked on. Lag, okay, but in playing the game for over 4 years, I have never had that happen.

    Used the control/alt/delete to get out of the game, and still am waiting to connect again. Considering the other player is states away, this is a issue. Is the quest down? One would think they would like to know when there are issues.
    I'm sorry to have to be the one to have to say this, but there is absolutely nothing that DM could have said that would have satisfied you because, quite frankly, lag is the issue.

    The quest is not down. Lag is a complex issue well beyond a DM's job description and Turbine is working on it. Turbine has been working on fixing lag for years, from two weapon fighting, dungeon alerts, archon lighting, etc. Nothing they have done in the name of fixing lag has properly fixed it, so I doubt there is anything in a DM's toolkit to address it for you other than saying this is lag and we don't know enough to properly address it on a case by case basis. Compounding this is that the lag issues one player faces another player never experiences under the same game conditions (one could get lost in discussions of player computer/network/etc specs interaction with game clients). Honestly, this isn't a problem with customer service from the DM, but rather game architecture. It is of course completely legitimate to be upset over the game's quality of performance for you, I'm not arguing against that, I'm just suggesting that the onus of the blame is not on customer support, but on development.
    Last edited by Paleus; 08-26-2014 at 08:33 AM.
    Kobold never forgive....kobold remember waterworks.

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    i'll be putting a bug into our system.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Mryal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paleus View Post
    I'm sorry to have to be the one to have to say this, but there is absolutely nothing that DM could have said that would have satisfied you because, quite frankly, lag is the issue.

    The quest is not down. Lag is a complex issue well beyond a DM's job description and Turbine is working on it. Turbine has been working on fixing lag for years, from two weapon fighting, dungeon alerts, archon lighting, etc. Nothing they have done in the name of fixing lag has properly fixed it, so I doubt there is anything in a DM's toolkit to address it for you other than saying this is lag and we don't know enough to properly address it on a case by case basis. Compounding this is that the lag issues one player faces another player never experiences under the same game conditions (one could get lost in discussions of player computer/network/etc specs interaction with game clients). Honestly, this isn't a problem with customer service from the DM, but rather game architecture. It is of course completely legitimate to be upset over the game's quality of performance for you, I'm not arguing against that, I'm just suggesting that the onus of the blame is not on customer support, but on development.
    This happens to me once or twice a year too.Happened on guild deathwyrm run last month.But to further compliment what he is trying to say: DDO will never be lag free, no service can really be lag free, and the lag is not totaly turbine's fault, sometimes its not even their fault at all.This is more true the further you are from the server.
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