I am a VIP, so I tend to pay for turbine points now and then, and the VIP account. When I have a serious issue, I would like a real answer other then we are working on it and it takes time.
Issue, stepped into Tharashk Arena, catching up with another player. Suddenly neither of us could move. I mean locked up tight, nothing. We could type to each other in chat, chat itself worked. Stuck command did not, recall did not, log off did not, nothing worked. +removed+ was the DM who handled it. He basically gave the pre worded answer that lag is a issue that is being worked on. Lag, okay, but in playing the game for over 4 years, I have never had that happen.
Used the control/alt/delete to get out of the game, and still am waiting to connect again. Considering the other player is states away, this is a issue. Is the quest down? One would think they would like to know when there are issues.