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Thread: False Hope

  1. #1
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Braegan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default False Hope

    Hey folks, going to post my current version of False in this post with some thoughts on where I could go from here in the next post, hopefully with some feedback.

    For fun referencing previous versions of the build. Please note changes to the game have not been reflected in older versions of the character.

    Level Cap 20

    Level Cap 25

    Level Cap 28

    False Hope

    20 FvS Sun Elf LG

    Past Lives

    19th life currently. 3x Sorc, 3x Wiz, 2x Cleric, 1x all else.


    Str: 8 (+4 tome, +2 comp, +8 item, +1 excep, +1 litany, +2 ship) 26
    Dex: 11 (+3 tome, +2 comp, +8 item, +1 excep, +1 litany, +2 insight, +2 ship) 30
    Con: 14 (+4 tome, +2 comp, +8 item, +1 excep, +1 litany, +2 insight, +2 ship) 34
    Int: 11 (+3 tome, +2 comp, +1 excep, +1 litany, +2 ship) 20
    Wis: 18 (+7 lvl, +5 tome, +2 comp, +11 item, +1 excep, +1 litany, +3 insight, +2 ship, +4 ED, +4 enhancement) 58
    Cha: 14 (+3 tome, +2 comp, +7 item, +1 excep, +1 litany, +2 insight, +2 ship, +2 capstone) 34

    1) Maximize
    3) Completionist
    6) PL: Wiz
    9) Empower
    12) Heighten
    15) Quicken
    18) SF: Evo
    21) GSF: Evo
    24) Epic SF: Evo
    27) SF: Necro
    ED1) SP: Light
    ED2) SP: Force


    Balance - 5
    Diplo - 10
    Jump - 5
    Spellcraft - 23
    Tumble - 2
    UMD - 11


    Head) Blue Dragon, +3 Ins Wis, Globe of True Blood, +250 Mana
    Neck) Smoke II, +45 HP
    Trinket) Litany
    Cloak) Jeweled Cloak, +7 Cha, +2 Ins Cha
    Belt) Skullduggery, +50 HP, + 8 Con
    Ring) Lantern, +2 Ins Con
    Ring) Guardian, +8 Str, +24 PRR, +2 Gtr Evo
    Gloves) Immortality, +2 Gtr Necro
    Boots) Air x3, 150 SP, Swap to Goatskin, +8 Dex, +2 Ins Dex, +20 Vitality
    Bracers) Gtr Conv of Sup Parrying
    Chest) Blue Dragon, Heavy Fort
    Goggles) Shadowsight, +11 Wis, +8 Resist
    Hand) Combustion Scepter of Evocation Focus, 138 Combustion, +4 Evocation, 114 Devotion slotted
    Hand) Nether Orb, +4 Necromancy DC, +138 Impulse slotted

    ED - Exalted Angel

    Wis 4 - 8 pts
    Radiant Power - 3 pts
    Light Power - 3 pts
    Endless Faith - 3 pts
    Blood & Radiance - 1 pt
    Rebuke Foe - 2 pts
    Divine Wrath - 2 pts
    Sun Bolt - 2 pts

    24 points spent


    Energy Burst (T4 Draconic)
    Evocation Specialist (T2 Magister)
    Precise Evocation (T2 Draconic)

    *note I am close to this set up. need to cap divine crusader and I'll have enough fate points for it.


    Sun Elf

    Core 1 Elven Accuracy - 1
    Rejuvenation of Dawn 2 - 4
    Arcanum 3 - 6
    Light of the Sun God 3 - 6

    17 Points


    Font of Power - 1
    Shield of Condemnation - 1
    Aura of Menace - 1
    Summon Archon - 1
    Vengeful Magic - 1
    Ascendency - 1
    Smiting x4 - 8
    Scourge 2 - 2
    Animus 2 - 2
    Just Reward 2 - 2
    Wand/Scroll Mastery - 1
    Spell Pen - 2
    Wis x2 - 4
    Intense Faith 3 - 6
    Evocation Focus - 2
    Unstoppable Magic 3 - 3
    Zealous Faith 3 - 3

    41 Points


    Smite Foe - 1
    Resilience of Battle - 1
    Sanctuary - 1
    Divine Might 3 - 3
    Toughness 3 - 3
    Awareness 3 - 3
    Wall of Steel 3 - 3
    Burden of Sin 3 - 3
    Wis x2 - 4

    22 Points

    Spell Pen

    25 - Base
    7 - PL
    1 - Enhancement
    3 - Item (Blue Dragon)
    3 - Sun Elf Enhancement
    1 - Ship


    *must be missing something as I see +44 to my Spell Pen roll.


    Evocation - 66
    Necromancy - 55
    Conjuration - 50

    That's with current set up and twists. Definitely room to move and shuffle as needed. I will do the breakdown for the DC's later.
    Last edited by Braegan; 08-20-2014 at 02:24 AM.

  2. 08-17-2014, 04:53 PM

    2015 DDO Players Council

  3. #2
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Braegan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Bump with lots of details added to current build.

    The good:

    Pretty solid DCs
    Blasting ability for those that exceed my DCs or for fun
    Decent Saves

    The bad:

    No strong melee fallback (personal preference, would like one)
    Not as strong Heal options as other versions. Only heal spells taken are Heal and Mass Heal. That the MCM Sla and Divine Wrath are all I usually run with. Small groups and self sufficient groups it's fine, but by no means can function as a heal bot.

    Anyway, that's where I am at coming back. Looking to improve the build as I can, feedback is of course welcome.

  4. #3
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    To be honest dude I don't think you can go wrong with the U19 version which I am still happily using with the changes to heavy armor and stuff it's just going to get better, add in on top of that Thunder Forged weapons and armor and it's going to be epic! The main bummer is the nerf to Blitz so I'm wondering if another ED would be best such as Divine Crusader or something?


  5. #4
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    To be honest dude I don't think you can go wrong with the U19 version which I am still happily using with the changes to heavy armor and stuff it's just going to get better, add in on top of that Thunder Forged weapons and armor and it's going to be epic! The main bummer is the nerf to Blitz so I'm wondering if another ED would be best such as Divine Crusader or something?

    You're probably right, but I guess I am a tinkerer at heart, always trying to tweak and improve a bit.

    I'm trying to work on a hybrid melee/caster version. The problem always comes down to feats without wanting to deeply splash.

    But yeah with Blitz change U19v or hybrid I am trying to build would both probably fair best in Divine Crusader.

  6. #5
    Community Member
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    Also my main is a Fvs Evoker (Sorgit) and looking at your build, I see a pretty similar fvs as the one I build in these years..the only little difference are:

    - Race: I prefer human to sun elf, I lose 30 light power and nice DPS capstone, but gain 1 wis (I go full ****** with DC :-P), some healing amplification (nice when coupled with US capstone, that is unimpressive anymore btw...) and feat (can be spent to raise necro DC)

    - as epic feast I have taken Great wisdom x3: that way I gain more DC all around for all the 3 DC schools I care about (primarly evo, then necro, ench and conj as left overs), a bonus is the +1.5 will saves (mostrly useless XD)

    -A nice bonus i have found is to craft a TF weapon of your deaty and take the warpriest line for favored weapon, that way you can get +4 to enchantment bonus for that weapon, actually gaining +12 Universal spellpower

    just my 2 cents

    Ciao (and sorry for my english :P)

  7. #6
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Braegan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gummolo View Post
    Also my main is a Fvs Evoker (Sorgit) and looking at your build, I see a pretty similar fvs as the one I build in these years..the only little difference are:

    - Race: I prefer human to sun elf, I lose 30 light power and nice DPS capstone, but gain 1 wis (I go full ****** with DC :-P), some healing amplification (nice when coupled with US capstone, that is unimpressive anymore btw...) and feat (can be spent to raise necro DC)

    - as epic feast I have taken Great wisdom x3: that way I gain more DC all around for all the 3 DC schools I care about (primarly evo, then necro, ench and conj as left overs), a bonus is the +1.5 will saves (mostrly useless XD)

    -A nice bonus i have found is to craft a TF weapon of your deaty and take the warpriest line for favored weapon, that way you can get +4 to enchantment bonus for that weapon, actually gaining +12 Universal spellpower

    just my 2 cents

    Ciao (and sorry for my english :P)
    Hey Sorgit,

    Thanks for the feedback!

    The human vs sun elf I keep going back and forth on.

    Human gets you +1 Wis, +1 Feat as big bonuses, other small ones as well

    Sun Elf gets you +3 Spell Pen and Sun Bolt Sla

    While it is really nice to have two Sun Bolt Slas (race and ED) I will probably go back to human once I wrap up a couple more etrs.

    I hear what you are saying about taking the Great Wis feats, I'll have to take another look and see what I can give up for it.

    As far as TF weapon that's been on my radar. I just wanted to make sure what race I was going to stay as before making a longsword or a hammer, heh.

    I know this version seems a little more boring compared to melee versions, but it's hard to go back to melee when you finally get your DCs up enough to melt EE mobs with a single cast.

  8. #7
    Community Member Panzermeyer's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    Looks like a good build to me.

    TF weapons would help you out a bit definitely.

    Thanks for continuing the updates on False Hope.
    Last edited by Panzermeyer; 09-19-2014 at 05:44 PM.
    Panzermeyer - Huge Terry Brooks Shannara Fan

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