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Thread: Update 23

  1. #1
    Community Member thomascoolone64's Avatar
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    Default Update 23

    I heard Cordovan said Old toons from U22 will be wipped when lam comes back on is this true?
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post

    "Ignore the text in the Lamannia launcher claiming to be from Middle Earth. Wat?"

  2. #2
    Community Member Erofen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomascoolone64 View Post
    I heard Cordovan said Old toons from U22 will be wipped when lam comes back on is this true?
    Does it matter? You can copy your toons from live or build a new fully geared toon in like 15 minutes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'? Kex! Stop It! O.o

  3. #3


    With the last lamma update some of my previous characters where gone, but I could just recopy my toons from live over.

    It's likely they wipe again with the next update.
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  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Lamma gets wiped every time there's a new update. Just copy your char(s) from live back over and give it another go next time around.
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  5. #5
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    We've been talking about this and the current thought is to NOT do a character wipe for our Update 23 preview, coming soontm. The main reason being to prevent the need for people to re-copy characters, and perhaps regear. If your character was brought over for 22 it should in general still be in good shape. The Test Dojo should be a good resource to make up any deficiencies, as well.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We've been talking about this and the current thought is to NOT do a character wipe for our Update 23 preview, coming soontm. The main reason being to prevent the need for people to re-copy characters, and perhaps regear. If your character was brought over for 22 it should in general still be in good shape. The Test Dojo should be a good resource to make up any deficiencies, as well.
    I'd rather have a wipe so I can copy my current character over and get a better feel for how he plays with the new changes.

    Do you know if I delete the toon on lamannia will I be able to recopy? I seem to recall that with the old tool that wouldn't work.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ryethiel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We've been talking about this and the current thought is to NOT do a character wipe for our Update 23 preview, coming soontm. The main reason being to prevent the need for people to re-copy characters, and perhaps regear. If your character was brought over for 22 it should in general still be in good shape. The Test Dojo should be a good resource to make up any deficiencies, as well.
    A wipe might actually be a good idea. Many of us are probably stuck in the same situation that I'm in.

    I copied a character over, but decided to delete him from Lamannia at one point. I went to go copy him over again, only to get the message that there's already a character on Lamannia with the same name and that it will be assigned a number at the end of the name. When I confirm it, it just wont copy over successfully, no matter what.

    I recreated the issue with another character. I copied him over, deleted him from Lamannia, and tried to copy him again. That character got prevented from being copied over with the same issue.
    Last edited by Ryethielnas; 08-18-2014 at 01:49 PM.
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  8. #8
    Community Member N-0cturn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryethielnas View Post
    A wipe might actually be a good idea. Many of us are probably stuck in the same situation that I'm in.

    I copied a character over, but decided to delete him from Lamannia at one point. I went to go copy him over again, only to get the message that there's always a character on Lamannia with the same name and that it will be assigned a number at the end of the name. When I confirm it, it just wont copy over successfully, no matter what.

    I recreated the issue with another character. I copied him over, deleted him from Lamannia, and tried to copy him again. That character got prevented from being copied over with the same issue.
    Yeah, I am in the same situation and would appreciate a wipe.

  9. #9
    Community Member Bladedge's Avatar
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    I were prefer a character wipe as well.

    Have re-geared, eTR, lesser my charcters since the last time they were copied over.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bladedge View Post
    I were prefer a character wipe as well.
    So you admit to being one of those folks too lazy to recreate your character on Lamannia, instead you want to wipe everyone elses character to save yourself a few clicks and a bit of personal record keeping. What about those of us who want to keep what we have already done? And obviously you aren't the only one who thinks this way. IMO they should simply eliminate the char copy from live to Lamannia altogether, and make players recreate from their own records. That would be fair to everyone, eliminate all the 'bug reports' connected to char copy , etc.

    Perhaps instead of char copy, the developers might consider making a char build history printout available for characters. Then you could could do it YOURSELF on Lamannia.
    Last edited by Snarfels; 08-18-2014 at 09:35 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snarfels View Post
    So you admit to being one of those folks too lazy to recreate your character on lamannia, instead you want to wipe everyone elses character to save yourself a few clicks and a bit of personal record keeping. What about those of us who want to keep what we have already done?
    What about those of us that don't?

    You could basically say the exact same thing about people who want to prevent a wipe....
    Last edited by Krelar; 08-18-2014 at 09:34 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krelar View Post
    What about those of us that don't?

    You could basically say the exact same thing about people who want to prevent a wipe....
    untrue. non wipe would mean fewer people would have to reconstruct. you want to redo your toon? fine, I shouldn't have to because you do.

  13. #13
    Community Member hunzi2010's Avatar
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    Will this stay up 24/7 over the preview period?
    last time I couldn't log in as it was advising me the world was closed.
    I wanted to give it a test on some of my toons.
    I have also re downloaded and installed in a totally separate are the lama log in.
    just wanted to double check.

    thanks guys.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erofen View Post
    Does it matter? You can copy your toons from live or build a new fully geared toon in like 15 minutes.
    Your forgetting the length of time it takes to build favor, even on Lamannia; and the benefits of that favor to your toon. You want to rebuild your toon at the expense of the favor you have or have not accumulated, that's fine; but why should I have to because you want it?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunzi2010 View Post
    Will this stay up 24/7 over the preview period?
    last time I couldn't log in as it was advising me the world was closed.
    I wanted to give it a test on some of my toons.
    I have also re downloaded and installed in a totally separate are the lama log in.
    just wanted to double check.

    thanks guys.
    I have seen times when Lamannia has been closed for updates, etc during a preview, its not common but it does happen.

  16. #16
    Community Member merridyan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snarfels View Post
    So you admit to being one of those folks too lazy to recreate your character on Lamannia, instead you want to wipe everyone elses character to save yourself a few clicks and a bit of personal record keeping. What about those of us who want to keep what we have already done? And obviously you aren't the only one who thinks this way. IMO they should simply eliminate the char copy from live to Lamannia altogether, and make players recreate from their own records. That would be fair to everyone, eliminate all the 'bug reports' connected to char copy , etc.

    Perhaps instead of char copy, the developers might consider making a char build history printout available for characters. Then you could could do it YOURSELF on Lamannia.
    I could care less either way, but after reading this post (and others) I really hope they do a wipe.

  17. #17
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    would be great if we could recopy a char at any time so we weren't dependant on a full wipe to be able to move our live char over. A light RP guild that's moved from Keeper in Europe to Thelanis
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by merridyan View Post
    I could care less either way, but after reading this post (and others) I really hope they do a wipe.
    let's hope they just wipe yours. how many hours have you spent in acquiring favor? do you really think it's fair to wipe all that out because some people want to try out different builds of a single character during a preview? Doesn't it make more sense to have that person redo their character instead of forcing it on all characters? You would wish that all the time invested by players be swept away for the benefit of a few?

    How about the time invested in trying out the crafting system, there's no magic potion to grant full experience there. how would you suggest testing out the new system on Lamannia if we just wipe it all away every time?
    Last edited by Snarfels; 08-18-2014 at 11:07 PM.

  19. #19
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    how about an option allowing some to get their character wiped and some that don't want their character wiped? is that possible or does it have to be an either/or thing?

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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    how about an option allowing some to get their character wiped and some that don't want their character wiped? is that possible or does it have to be an either/or thing?
    seems to me that char copy has a lot of dependency on the chars name. what if char copy allowed (or mandated) renaming while keeping all the pertinent stuff? that way you could delete one and recopy to another name....

    of course you might be able to copy a char from live and spend lamannia TP for a rename, and copy it again... and so on... and try several different build outs of the same toon simultaneously... might work... haven't heard about anyone actually trying it....
    Last edited by Snarfels; 08-18-2014 at 11:22 PM.

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