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Here is my opinion of a good set of spells for selection
1 Night shield > Divine Favor > Bane* > Bless
2 Resist energy > Soundburst > Cure moderate > Find Traps **
3 CSW > Searing Light*** > Magic Circle against evil > Prayer
4 Deathward > FOM > Divine power > Recitation (I recommend Panacea if you are using Mass Deathward - It cures a lot of minor ills)
5 True Seeing > Divine Punishment > Spell Resistance ****> Greater Command
6 Blade Barrier > Heal > Cometfall
7 Mass CSW > Mass Protection from elements> Destruction
8 Mass Deathward > Symbol of Death
* Bane does not have a Spell Resistance, but does have a will save but it effectively raises the AC of Melee by 1 and also reduces the saves by 1 of the target
** With a moderate Search skill and gear investment in Int and Search item this can help to search out secrete doors
*** While not the highest DPS light spell out there, due to its cheap cost it can work rather well to add additional DPS for any FvS using Light spell damage
**** While Spell Resistance is not the favorite spell of many. It can give you additional protection against spells, Even 20% protection is worth it.
Having a couple Single target and at least one Mass Cure spell will generally be good enough in most situations. The only reason to have multiple Mass Spells is if you are playing as the Primary Healer for Raids most of the time and the newer raids don't lend themselves to that as the party is much more spread out to gain the efficiency that Mass Cure Spells use to gain.
Spells like Restoration work just as well from scroll as they do from Spell points. I actually recommend using scrolls also for Raising. Yes this does put more pressure on the Concentration Roll, but in the long run it will allow you to have more spells available to you for other things that happen.