With the abbot returns update coming next, and the announced changes to Holy sword, we're very liekly going to see a surge of paladins. Not only because "they are finally getting good", but also because they will literally outshine both fighters and barbarians in melee. Damage, and survivability.
15 Paladin splits in particular, as that nets you Holy Sword (+1 multplier, +1 (2 with imp crit) range, +1(w), +2 enhancement bonus), zeal 10% double strike, and 3 dmg from divine favor for damage.
For comparison, 15 fighter gives you 4 damage from Greater weapon speci. That's it. Additionally, though, they gain 8 str from Kensai that 15 pal won't be able to get.
Importantly, the crit range and multiplier won't stack with enhancements, but that still leaves them one multiplier ahead so to speak. Kensai III nets you +1 range, but no multiplier. and FB nets you 3 crit multiplier 19-20, but no range.
Also, since HS doesn't stack with PRE crit factors, they will not necessarily have to spec so deep in PREs that do not give much besides crit range (e.g. kensai only gives what 4 dmg, (8 str if you're 12 fgt), and a bunch of to hit). This means you can go tier 5 in e.g. the new kotc for a free gcleave, or any other pre for utility (e.g. TA for a Qstaff build, or defender for a tank dps (Still *high* dps) spec.
In other words, highest damage (by quite a large margin) and a *lot* of options in pres. Plus sick sustain (loh, csw, SP class for coccon, etc.), and potentially good ac (we'll see how they nerf the mobs to hit on EE, if ac becomes good).
They'll lack the self-displacement that SBs get though, so that's a drawback, still, it's not like fgts get that eitehr, so.
Now, this is only considering what we know *now*, so things may change. Particularly, if epic orchard arrives, there's bound to be an epic Deathnip. The non-epic one gives a paladin build like this a crit profile of 15-20x5, with seeker 10 and heartseeker IV. Prett solid. An epic version will probably get Heartseeker V or VI, and seeker 15 maybe, along with +8/+10 base and more W damage.
Odds are, insanly strong. And no other class will be able to utalize the epic Deathnip like a paladin, as they get that extra multiplier that no other class gets.
I'll probably TR into a 16 pal, 2 mnk, 2 fgt. Plenty of feats for metamagics, evasion, insanity saves, solid HP, high to highest damage attainable melee, and great self healing. Possibly remarkable AC as well, depending on if 150ish will be worth it in EE with the next update.
Another possibility is a 14pal (skip holysword), 5 rogue (tier 5 acrobat), 1 mnk, with QS. Since criticals will be buffed in the next update (with melee power base dmg will be better than elemental dmg as it does not scale), a solid QS build with the Caught in the web QS will have sick crit profile and 25% doublestrike from TA, and 10% from zeal.
We'll have to see if they go through with Holy Sword as it stands now. But if they do, prepare to become the master class.