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wanted to see how it would look to design defender tree in a way i would like to see it, so i tried, i created this rework of a tree with things in mind i would like to have as a tank, there was too much wasted space in the tree so i cut some of it, merged and added some things i was thinking of before, i diidnt do math on overall ap cost, but they should be about same or less, general idea is that we should be able to take everything defence related, as focusing on defender with less that 40 points, so the rest of points can be used to get either utility or dps abilities from this tree OR others. also merged the stance stat bonuses into cores as they are way too easy to get for spash or user focusing on other tree.
Innate Abilities
1 AP: Holy Bastion: You gain +1 Hit Point and 1 Positive Energy Spell Power for each action point you spend in this tree. Each Sacred Defender Core Ability you possess grants +2% Fortification.
(Moved to tier 2) 5 AP, Pal3: Sacred Defense: Defensive Stance: You gain 10 Physical Resistance and Magical Resistance and a 50% bonus to threat generation. (Note: the movement penalty was removed.) (Note: the stance does not require a shield.)
(Moved to tier 3) 10 AP, Pal6: Divine Righteousness: Channel Divinity: You gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma score and a 100% Sacred bonus to threat generation for 60 seconds. Passive: +2 sacred bonus to STR/CON +5% hp
20 AP, Pal12: Redemption: The following spells are added to the Paladin spell list: Level 2: Raise Dead Level 3: Resurrection Level 4: True Resurrection. Passive: You gain 5 Physical Resist Rating and 5 Magical Resist Rating, +4 sacred bonus to STR/CON +10% hp
30 AP, Pal18: Glorious Stand: Channel Divinity: For a short duration you gain DR 20/epic, take reduced damage from elemental and negative energy, receive double healing from positive energy, and are immune to secondary effects of attacks such as 'wounding' or 'vorpal'. Passive: You gain 5 Physical Resist Rating and 5 Magical Resist Rating. +6 sacred bonus to STR/CON +20% hp
41 AP, Pal20: Eternal Defender: Passive: You gain +2 Charisma and +2 Constitution, and grants a Sacred bonus that increases your range of unconsciousness by your Charisma score. (This bonus updates once per minute.), You gain 10 Physical Resist Rating and 10 Magical Resist Rating. +1 lay on hands use, SLA cure critical wounds, ability to reroll 1 in save roll (it would become mini version of no save fail on 1)
Tier One (0 AP Required)
Item Defense: You have a (25/50/75)% chance to negate potential item wear.
Extra Lay on Hands: You gain +(1/2/3) uses of Lay on Hands.
Improved Sacred Defense: Multiselector:
Resilient Defense: While in Sacred Defense, you gain a +(1/2/3) Sacred bonus to all Saving Throws.
Durable Defense: While in Sacred Defense, you gain a +(5/10/15) Sacred bonus to Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resist Rating.
Inciting Defense: While in Sacred Defense, you gain a (25/50/75)% Sacred bonus to melee threat generation.
Sacred Armor Mastery: +(1/2/3) Armor Class and (+1/2/3) Maximum Dexterity Bonus when wearing Armor.
Saves Boost: Activate to gain a (+2/+4/+6) Action Boost bonus to all Saving Throws for 20 seconds. While under this effect you do not automatically fail saving throws on a roll of a natural 1.
Tier Two (5 AP Required)
Instinctive Defense: You take 5% less extra damage when struck while helpless.
Bulwark Aura: Your Aura now grants +(1/3/5) Armor Class.
Improved Sacred Defense: See tier one. (Pick one you don’t have.)
Sacred Shield Mastery: +(5%/10%/15%) Shield Armor Class and (+1/2/3) Tower Shield Maximum Dexterity Bonus.
Defense Boost: Activate to gain a (+5/+10/+15) Action Boost bonus to Armor Class, Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating for 20 seconds.
Tier Three (10 AP Required)
COMEING THROUGH!!!: while actively shield blocking: overrun enemy in the way (idea is to make it into attack similar to druids winter wolf attack, that freezes enemies, just with shorter move range, and overrun instead of freeze)
Shield bash attack: +1/2/3w, 5/10/15% chance to stun enemy for 6 seconds, dc str+cha modifier, cooldown 30/15/10 seconds
Resistance Aura: Your Aura now grants +(1/2/3) to Saving Throws.
Improved Sacred Defense: See tier one. (Pick one you don’t have.)
Greater Sacred Defense: merged into core 6
+1 Con or Cha: +1 Constitution or Charisma
Tier Four (20 AP Required)
Reinforced Defense: merged into tier 5 , instead Greater shield bash: you gain +5/+10/+15% bonus to shield bash chance, at tier 2 you gain, on critical shield bash: unbalancing strike, enemy affected by it has penalty to balance, at tier 3 you gain, on vorpal shield bash: enemy is tripped for 3 seconds, no save
Spellshield Aura: removed, pointless, replaced with Battle Aura: allies in aura gain +2/4/6 doublestrike/ enemies in aura get 1 vulnerability stack every 3 seconds they remain in aura, 10 stacks.
Greater Sacred Defense: merged into core 12
+1 Con or Cha: +1 Constitution or Charisma
Tier Five (30 AP Required)
Reprisal: On Attacked: Your next attack gains +1 damage, stacks decay at rate 1/6 seconds. This effect stacks (3/6/10) times.
Reinforced Defense: The Armor Class bonus you gain from armors, docents and shields is increased by 15%/30%/50%
Mobile Defense: when shield blocking, you can move around at walk speed instead of tumbling/jumping around, tier 2 you can make main hand attacks while shield blocking (moved to tier 5 from 4 as it would be too easy to get there, idk, either way extra 10% run speed does not fit in this tree)
Harbored By Light: You gain +10/+15/+25 Physical Resist Rating and Magical Resist Rating. You gain +1 use of Lay On Hands. and they return 1 per 10/7/5 minutes* In addition, while you are actively blocking with a shield, enemies that attack you will take 3d4/4d4/5d4 Light Damage. sacrificing 2 layons for ability for them to return over time would be worth it, and i also added 1 layon to capstone so effective loss would be 1
Greater Sacred Defense: merged into core 18