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  1. #1
    Community Member Billybobml's Avatar
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    Default Battlerager Harness questions

    Vengeful Fury: On Taking Damage: Gain a 12% Enhancement Bonus to Doublestrike and a +4 Rage Bonus to your Attack Bonus.

    How long do these bonuses last? A set amount of time? For your next attack only? I took it on a 40th completion but I'm not 28 yet. Any feedback as to how it actually works would be great. Thanks.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Takllin's Avatar
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Billybobml View Post
    Vengeful Fury: On Taking Damage: Gain a 12% Enhancement Bonus to Doublestrike and a +4 Rage Bonus to your Attack Bonus.

    How long do these bonuses last? A set amount of time? For your next attack only? I took it on a 40th completion but I'm not 28 yet. Any feedback as to how it actually works would be great. Thanks.
    It lasts 45 seconds.

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  3. #3


    The buff doesn't refresh though during the 45 seconds. Once activated you have the 12% for those 45 seconds. After it runs out, it has to be reapplied. That's super easy though. Get hit once and you have it again.
    It's pretty much a permanent buff. Very worth it to get that belt.
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