EE White Dragon Helm +8 Dex
EE Livewood Core
EE Intricate Field Optics +3 Wis
EE Shield of Morning x3
EE Goatskin Boots (Fort 115%)
EE Shadowsight
EE Spiked Boots
EE Bracers of Twisting Shade
EE Leaves of the Forest x2
EE Wizard's Orb (Magnetism)
EE Wizard's Orb (Combustion)
EE Wizard's Orb (Corrosion)
EE Death's Locket
EE Ghost-Waking Cloak
EE Gloves of the Master Illusionist
EE Bulwark of the Storm's Fist
EE Gloves of Forgotten Craft
EE Girdle of Giants' Brawn x2
EE Daggertooth's Belt
EE Shadowmail (combustion) x3
EE Belt of the Seven Ideals
EE Giantcraft Siberys Compass
EE Ring of the Stormreaver Prophecy
EE Manacles of Ceaseless Toil
EE Iron Beads x2
EE Skyvault Shield
EE Arkat's Chord x2
EE Copper Ingot Arcanum x3
EE Silver Ingot Arcanum x3
EE Bronze Ingot Arcanum
EE Swailing Blade x3
EE Turmoil Within
EE Thunder and Lightning
EE Great Axe of the Chained Soldier
EE Stolen Necklace (Wizardry IX) x2
EE Stolen Necklace (Haggle +19)
EE Prison Break (Poison VI)
EE Prison Break (Improved Banishing)
EE Nether Orb (Transmutation)
EE Nether Orb (Conjuration)
EE Mountain's Fist x6
EE Dream Visor x2
EE Fell Shiv (Disruption)
EE Trapsmith's Crossbow x2
EE Ancient Band
EE Skullsmasher
EE Allegiance
EE Chill of Winter
EE Treads of Falling Shadow
EE Master's Riposte (Axiomatic VII) x2
EE Shamanic Fetish x2
EE Adamantine Knuckles x2
Seal of House Dun'Robar +7 con w/+10 vertigo
Seal of House Avithoul +7 Wis x4
Seal of House Avithoul +2 Dex x2
Spider-spun Caparison +8 Dex
Spider-spun Caparison +8 Wis
Spider-spun Caparison +3 Dex
Spider-spun Caparison +3 Wis
Spidersilk Robes +8 Int
Hide of the Goristro +3 Con
Hide of the Goristro +8 Str
Embrace of the Spider Queen +8 Str
Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate +3 Wis
Purple Dragon Shield x2
Libram of Silver Magic
Drow Shortsword of the Weapon Master (Shatter +10)
Duergar Waraxe of the Weapon Master (exceptional combat mastery +5)
+5 Seeker (+10) Short Sword of Rapid Strikes (doublestrike 5%) w/red augment slot ml:26
Dexterous +10 Ring of Dodge 10% ml:28
Acidproof (acid resistance +50) Boots of Seeking (+11) ml:28
Skill tomes:
Move Silently (upgrade +3 to +4)
Swim (upgrade +3 to +4) x2
Bluff (upgrade +2 to +3) x2
Bluff (upgrade +3 to +4)
Listen (upgrade +3 to +4)
Repair (upgrade +2 to +3)
Search (upgrade +3 to +4) x2
Haggle (upgrade +2 to +3)
Haggle (upgrade +3 to +4)
Open Lock (upgrade +3 to +4)
Heal (upgrade +3 to +4) x2
Diplomacy (upgrade +2 to +3) x2
Tumble (upgrade +2 to +3)
Tumble (upgrade +3 to +4)
Concentration (upgrade +2 to +3)
Concentration (upgrade +3 to +4)
Balance (upgrade +2 to +3)
Intimidate (upgrade +2 to +3)
Intimidate (upgrade +3 to +4)
Spot (upgrade +3 to +4)
Stat Tomes:
Dex (+3)
Dex (upgrade +1 to +2) x2
Con (upgrade +1 to +2)
I have a bunch more stuff, and will update later. May not list the EN/EH gear I have, so feel free to ask about it.
Necklace of the Mystic Eidolons
EE Consuming Darkness
EE Blue Dragon Helm /w+3 Wis
EE Jeweled Cloak
Pale Lavender Ioun Stones
Seal of House Avithoul +2 Wis
Deadly (+10) Ring of Sustenance (+20)
+5 Skill Tomes
+4 up to +7 Stat Tomes
Raid Timers
PM me on forums or send a message to anyone in Solipsists United, if you think we can work something out.