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  1. #1
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
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    Default Anyone played with cleric8/ranger6/monk6 ? Is it worth trying?

    I'm in the initial phase of planning a cleric life to at least 20 (28 if I'm enjoying it). I've done a max wisdom cleric before and don't feel like doing that right now. Most monkcher builds I have found have at least 6 monk and 6 ranger. I could throw in 8 cleric which would be enough to count as a cleric past life.

    I have 3xranger, 3xmonk, 3xfighter, 3xdruid, 1 wiz, 1 arti, 1 rogue and 3 martial epic, 1 divine epic, 3xPDK and 1xShadarKai past lives.
    I have pinion and many other bows and good gear to work from. +5 tomes. All destinies filled. I assume fury will be best and then add twists.

    Could go elf and get dex to damage and put most points into AA. Shoot for combat archery and 10k stars.

    All that said, I've not done a monkcher before, which is part of why I'm considering something along those lines, but I don't need a ranger or monk or fighter past life at this point.

    Is it worth further pursuing a build like this?


  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    DEX-to-dmg is a trap on a 36-pt build which would also have easy access to Div Might. Did you want to do this as Morninglord? Pros: start @ lvl 15 (which is about where monkchers start get good) and gain ML as well as cleric PL. Cons: have to level to cap.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    Ultimate Completionist
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    I played something like this, but the divine level were stronger, about Favored Soul 14 / Monk 6 often in fury of the wild.

    It did fine, even being invited to some EE Fall of Truth raids with a nice guild that I was not a member of.
    I think it was elf or morninglord or the like, I forget the exact build, but it did work.
    Since I healed some, I preferred Fury of the Wild over Shirdia since I could not keep a constant stream going.

    High Wisdom, and I would not worry about wasting part of my 10k stars.
    I did have multiple ways to regenerate passive Ki.

    Cleric 13 would have gotten the same ideas, since favored soul 14 was to gain quickened resurrection, heal, cocoon, freedom of movement buff, deathward buff for party.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 08-02-2014 at 10:03 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
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    feats I'm looking at:

    10 normal 3 from monk. = 13 total

    Mandatory from what I've read so far:
    zen archery
    10k stars
    imp crit: ranged
    point blank shot
    combat archery

    commonly used:
    master of forms
    grand master of forms
    emp heal (or spell or maximize)

    others in consideration:
    shot on the run (is this needed? If not, there is less pressure on the other two above.)
    greater TWF

    I had thought about finesse, but I think a few points into ninja spy should more than cover that and save me a feat.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback on feat selection. Also, with the forms, which do you prefer to run in and why?

  5. #5
    Community Member Theolin's Avatar
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    you can do a 12/6/2 cleric/monk/ranger and use elf for the AA there is a build around the forums somewhere about that. can also swap FVs for cleric as well. Feats are really tight but it does work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I've played 8 cle 6 monk 6 rog and it worked well with wraps and smites.

  7. #7
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redoubt View Post
    I'm in the initial phase of planning a cleric life to at least 20 (28 if I'm enjoying it). I've done a max wisdom cleric before and don't feel like doing that right now. Most monkcher builds I have found have at least 6 monk and 6 ranger. I could throw in 8 cleric which would be enough to count as a cleric past life.

    I have 3xranger, 3xmonk, 3xfighter, 3xdruid, 1 wiz, 1 arti, 1 rogue and 3 martial epic, 1 divine epic, 3xPDK and 1xShadarKai past lives.
    I have pinion and many other bows and good gear to work from. +5 tomes. All destinies filled. I assume fury will be best and then add twists.

    Could go elf and get dex to damage and put most points into AA. Shoot for combat archery and 10k stars.

    All that said, I've not done a monkcher before, which is part of why I'm considering something along those lines, but I don't need a ranger or monk or fighter past life at this point.

    Is it worth further pursuing a build like this?

    It will work fine.

    You will want to pick up master of forms and improved precise shot, which means you will need to take the monk and ranger levels early.

    agree about divine might and going str based, with enough wis to hit 42 (for 10k stars)

    If this is just for a heroic past life, be aware that you will want to use a melee weapon until you have both 10k stars and manyshot, so level 12 at the earliest, and even then you will need to melee a bit to pick up enough ki to activate 10k stars (this will not be needed at epic levels since you can get enough passive ki generation by then)
    Last edited by Lonnbeimnech; 08-02-2014 at 09:57 AM.

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