I need:
EH/EE Helm of the White Dragon(Ins Str or Ins Con)
+6 Drow Khopesh of the Weapon Master(Stunning +10)
Low ML Riptide Repeating Light/Heavy Crossbow of Lacerating(with or without Festival Icy Burst)
+4 and +5 Stat tomes!!!(Mainly Str/Con/Cha/Wis)
Some things to note that I have:
EH Helm of the White Dragon(Ins. Str. +3)(BOUND)
Planar Focus of Subterfuge(Ins. Int. +3)
+3 Wisdom Tome
+4 Intelligence Tome
Shouldn't have a problem finding other things, just gotta let me know
Can contact me on here, or in-game on Spongecakes!
Thanks for looking!