Quote Originally Posted by Scrabbler View Post
Either way, incompatibility with Deadly Weapons is not a drawback for new-version Holy Sword.
But it is, cause the new thing that is supposed to make the "meh" of having it changed to a competence bonus is already available to you in game! All this means is that Pallys no longer have to group with Artys to get deadly weapons. Now that is the very definition of "meh" to me.

Also, explain to me again why it HAD to be a competence bonus because it stacked with enhancements when as someone has pointed out at least twice in this thread that unlike enhancements this can be DISPELLED?. Or, possibly the intention is to make it not subject to being dispelled, maybe only Quelled? What about that, Sev? Actually, the nice thing about the old version is that it couldn't be dispelled. You wouldn't run up to a beholder, and suddenly have a weaker weapon (I shudder to think of Ghosts of Perdition for my Pally and his shiny new Holy Sword, might as well be a cardboard sword then).

Eh, I'm really trying hard to NOT feel like one other poster said in here, leave Pallys alone, at least then we won't come out worse, but goshdarn it, it's getting awful hard to not feel that way up in here. Dispellable Holy Swords, Holy Retribution still taking up a tier 5 slot, bah.

Our Divine Might working on a limited resource (while clerics and FVS have no such limitation) that has several other possibly useful things trying to use the same resource, bah, humbug.

I guess I'm just in a glass half empty mood tonight. Could we please find out if the Holy Sword spell is intended to be dispellable or not?
