What's the result of these Paladin changes, in a simple example?
Suppose we're in the heroic levels, 15-19 somewhere, and fighting monsters one at a time. No resource-limited burst DPS, no tripping / stunning tricks... just swinging a nice two-hander until they die. To handicap the Paladin, suppose the enemies are non-evil. Which pure class does more melee damage?
- Fighter: 13-20 x3, doublestrike 2% or 3%
- Paladin: 13-20 x4, doublestrike 10%
- Barbarian: 11-20 x3, stronger glances
My guess is that the Paladin is better at this task... which probably isn't how it should be.
PS. For fun, we could consider a Bard as well, although that's less direct because they don't use two-hander. Bard (with imperfect weapon) would be 15-20 x4, +30% swing speed, doublestrike 13% to 20%, more strength mod, less PA and Meleepower.