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I love people complaining about the nerf to blitz.. what nerf? Blitz is the exact same power its only lost its overall power curve to the other mele destinies, which it will technically still be above since well its still got more power. I also love people wanting to tone down the amount of mp the other destinies are getting because.. I dont know they think blitz is being nerfed.... by others catching up a bit.. I love that line of thinking lol.
Yet if blitz was removed from the tree all together, out of the mele destinies its still the best or at worse second best of them. Crit damage, 1/2 weapon, action boosts, haste action boost, the attacks, +1 19-20, advancing blows, the other attacks.. not to mention chop and pulv... compare it to the other two mainly used currently epic destinies out there fury and dc...
Furry biggest tributes that most people who use it are +6 damage, primal scream (easily twistable), sense weakness (twisted by many people), and fury combined with overwhelming force. Personally in group situations I currently prefer furry for adrenalin because Ive never been a fan of multiple blitzers in a group and the chaos that can cause in a group. But they're changing blitz from charge and kill to some version of an on hit measure.... which brings it to a grouping ability that you dont have to worry about certain egos etc.. in truth for pure mele (no ranged so no fury shot such as ranger or ranger splashes) even without blitz I'd argue that ld is almost as good as fury... with blitz and the changed to blitz.... heck most of the guys that I prefer to run fury on will probably change over to ld for group and solo content (cause I use ld for solo pretty much all the flipin time)
Crusader is +4 damage, its end clicky (which blitz shatters), purification (which no one really seems to care that much about), and the self healing, 10% damage and 10% double strike, +1 crit range.. well news flash guys, that self healing is 100% twistable.. blitz aint. The 10% damage from con is twistable but requires work and three twist slots... thoguh with the healing and the 10% its somethign that might be worth eating all three twists... still cant twist oc, advancing blows, or blitz.... double strike doesnt stack with an item... so its a convienence thing.... but battle ragers harness outstrips it and is active most of the time if your in combat... the biggest thing for dc is +1 crit range, which is better than alot fo the toys in ld playchest.. but better then all of emtogether.. ehhh
So lets take new blitz and add the mp to fury and dc... and what do we get that is unique and untistable by the other destinies.. ld gets up to 100% more mp, advancing blows, dev crit, pulb and chop, and the action boosts from innate... fury gets adrens, adren knockdown, 50 more hp and +6 damage... dc gets +1 crit range, 10% heal amp, more sp, +4 damage, 10% ds (once again doesnt stack with items so its an item slot saver), 10 prr, zealof reighteous, strike down and celestial (neither of which many people seem to use or enjoy that much when talking about pure mele)... now in the general measureables of this.... ld is no longer the go to destiny... its got competition depending on what you want to do... and you know what... variety of choice isnt really a bad thing...... now the other side is the higher the mp advantage that ld and blitz has over any of the other destinies takes blitz back further from whatever parity that they're trying to get.... so while I know people have run ld for years and they want to continue to run ld... guess what guys.... YOU CAN... but having the other destinies be as good doesnt make your running ld any less viable.
I personally like to run different destinies for different needs any more... but changing blitz to on hit with no charge would bring ld much more into focus for me, and if ld is that much better.. I'll be running ld with everyone else.... Id prefer to be able to switch around, but hey the power is where the power is. Thats my two cents on all the WAAAH NEEERF WAAH NERF guys out there and my general view of where blitz should stand versus the others... take it for what it is.