Originally Posted by
So, you can choose from among the three equally wrong solutions or you can take the fourth choice -- make the two feats work together appropriately so that players have choice about where they want to be regarding the balance point between offense and defense.
Can you spell out more of how that could be possible?
Suppose that Shield feats are boosted to give a really strong defensive benefit. A serious amount of defense, so that it balances out for the 40% lower attack speed of not using TWF.
Now take that Shield feat character and let him use SWF feats at the same time. He gains 30% attack speed and +100% str damage, which is a pretty huge offense boost.
Knowing that SWF is already similar in power to TWF (a little more or less, depending on exact gear available), how can you say that using SWF at the same time as Shield feats is balanced and fair?