Are you serious? The shield of morning is garbage for pre epic, much less end game epic. +9 AC? loot gen is better by like an additional +7, solar guard? not enough damage to make it worthwhile, one blue slot - doesn't compare to GH shield with 2, the only random effect not commonly duplicated by other tank gear is bashing (tanks don't shield bash... and the automatic abillity is a waste of effect vs other better options.) and rispote which gives some AC bonus. Evasion tanks need dex to work so aren't max str so tactics probably are not used often. Axeblock, hammerblock, spearblock are better duplicated with dr protection for all 3 types, vitality is useful, but easier to obtain more in lvl 24 3bc gear. Almost every armor/weapon from wheloon/stormhorns is subpar as per numerous posts since beta for that update. The targe is desert which if anyone has read feedback for the last 4+ years is that desert items are insanely hard to get since seals and shards are split between 1/50 ish items. Second point is that these items are 5+ years old and unless getting a serious update are barely adequate for lvl 20 compared to lootgen. You promised options. These are not options.
GH shield for comparison which is easy to obtain in comparison
+16 AC
Sheltering 15
insightful con 3
blue slot
purple slot
lvl 25 (lower than above)
Shield of Mourning
light guard effect (seriously, point of tank is to get your ac to a point of NOT getting hit often).
Random effect
Blue slot
lvl 27
you need a load of AC added, another good tank effect (or 2) and a purple slot to make this even comparable to something 2 levels lower.
Raid shield.
+19 ac (9 enhancement)
+ spell power
+ devotion
+10 natural armor
DR (druid form)
runic revitalization
purple slot
add more AC for lvl equivent shield, 4 effects vs 2 and purple slot vs blue.
IF your changing evasion to require small shields, we need something equivent to the new raid shield, the GH shield, heroic IQ shield, wall of wood, etc etc. Items that give good AC, slots, and relevant effects for tanks/protection.
The above is unacceptable without major changes to those items. Ask the population, we'd be happy to help you guys make appropriate items.