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Look, you need to total up the maths of what the changes do. Evasion is not getting nerfed, it is getting buffed. Changing from Heavy to Light shields isnt getting nerfed, its getting buffed (with the caveat that you have to trust they will add worthwhile light shields... Ill come back to that).
Right now, if you want to do a light armor, s/b, evasion guy (assuming BAB of 28 via divine power or divine crusader or whatever) you get 16 PRR for your armor. And (if you take both shield mastery feats) you get 10 PRR for your shield.
Post changes, doing the same exact guy, you will get 26 PRR for your light armor. And, with the same feats, you will get 10 PRR for your shield. The passive prr shield bonus covers the loss on the feats, and youre still up the PRR from the armor changes.
If you did not take any of the shield feats, then you GAIN the 5 passive shield PRR for light shield. Meaning you are up 15 PRR total.
Then, you still get your exact same evasion chance now, but you have 36 MRR (from the 36 prr above) which also applies (or 31 if no shield mastery). Plus, of course, whatever other PRR/MRR you have which adds here as well. So it makes survivability better there too.
There is no single thing that goes down from this change. Nothing. Its 100% all gain all the time....
... except the shield itemization issue. The fact that you are basically forced to gamble the light shields they add will directly and fairly compared to what heavy shields offer stat wise is a risk. It is. But its not one thats much different over time than anything else. Whatever shields are good now wont be good forever. Same for any item. Over time, everyone makes that gamble. Its not something anyone should be happy about, but its also not anything un-ordinary. Here its just heavily forced, with no other option, and no precedent of even a fallback item... its literally whatever they add, hope its good enough, because theres no alternative light shield out there you can hang onto in the interim.
So I wont say theres no risk. But thats independent of the mechanics changes. Mechanically, there is no s/b evasion nerf. There isnt. Everything else got better, okay fine. But so did this. As for the itemization devs, well... just have to hope they make good. EVERYONE is in that same boat. We dont even have enough bucklers yet, and almost no one would say the two they added are even all that appealing let alone remotely adequate. Hopefully there are quite a few new shields, for everyone and all shield kinds, that go in as a result of this. Otherwise theres gonna be a lot of people using the same 1 decent shield of each type....