Sarlona now has:
5 Guilds Lvl 180+
8 Guilds of Lvl 150-179
15 Guilds of Lvl 120-149
27 that I know of between Lvl 100 and 119 {I'm sure there's more.}
60 of Lvl 80-99 {again I'm certain I haven't listed every lvl 80+ Guild on Sarlona.}.
Total = 115 Guilds Lvl 80+
Up 15 to 191 - Black Mantis
Up 5 to 93 - Unforgiven Outsiders
Up 4 to 109 - chevaliers du lys
Up 2 to 107 - Brothers Grimmm
Up 2 to 106 - Heroes of Gallifrey
Up 1 to 187 - Eternal Faith
Up 1 to 176 - High Lords of Malkier
Up 1 to 172 - Bathory Hordes
Up 1 to 127 - Chinese Team
Up 1 to 120 - Pay it Forward
Up 1 to 107 - Elite Dragonslayers
Up 1 to 99 - The Unrepentant
Up 1 to 94 - Unlisted
Up 1 to 87 - The Brotherhood of Redemption
Up 1 to 83 - Lords of the Forgotten Realms
Up 1 to 83 - M T
Up 1 to 81 - Sages of Dungeon Lunacy
Up 1 to 77 - NightSong
Up 1 to 75 - Legion of the Forgotten
Up 1 to 70 - Bathory Hordes II
Up 1 to 59 - Tycoons of Tomorrow
Added at 129 - Swords of the Light
Added at 86 - DeathsFury
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 01-30-2015 at 01:53 AM.
Up 1 to 143 - Dawn of War
Up 1 to 143 - Giants of Winter and Old Night
Up 1 to 128 - Chinese Team
Up 1 to 113 - The Fading Memory
Up 1 to 81 - The Wulfepack
Up 1 to 70 - Friends of Dorothy
Guardians of House Cannith is now up to 156.
Thank you Fran.
Despite being really the only person playing in my guild for the past 6 weeks, I've managed to get us a few levels. Fighting Clowns up 2 to 175!
Bjriand The Great Stormsinger Bard Triple Heroic / Epic / Iconic / Racial Completionist working on Archetype lives...
Gratz Guys - Updatin' OP.
And adding Fighting Clowns to too.
Order of the rising pheonix has been 119 for a while
"IM-PLO-SION: For when you just HAVE to kill every M**********R in the room"-
(Samuel L Jackson)
"Some are insane, and the're in charge"
Sarlona: Mercilless, Maliciouss, Relenttless. Plus others.....
Up 5 to 143 - The Army of Darkness
Up 1 to 177 - High Lords of Malkier
Up 1 to 130 - Ascendants
Up 1 to 129 - Lost Legions
Up 1 to 108 - Brothers Grimmm
Up 1 to 91 - The Judges of Sarlona
Up 1 to 87 - Legion of Perdition
Up 1 to 73 - Lords of Sarlona
Up 3 to 87 - Illegal Aliens
Up 1 to 100 - The Unrepentant
Up 1 to 60 - Tycoons of Tomorrow
Up 5 to 136 - Roving Guns
Up 4 to 117 - Eternal Wrath
Up 2 to 82 - hen hao hen you ai
Up 1 to 173 - Bathory Hordes
Up 1 to 129 - Chinese Team
Up 1 to 114 - Griffon's Nest
Up 1 to 107 - Heroes of Gallifrey
Up 1 to 81 - Midnight Guardian's
Up 1 to 68 - Deities and Demigods
Added at 91 - Goodblade
Added at 56 - British Bulldogs
Tycoons of Tomorrow got to level 122:
Screen Capture as of 02-18-2015
EDIT: forget this it's on Cannith... My bad.
Last edited by HawkFest; 02-18-2015 at 05:57 PM.
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 02-19-2015 at 12:07 PM.
Brotherhood of Redemption up 4 to 91
Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..
Up 4 to 101 - Juggalos and Juggalettes
Up 2 to 99 - The Lost Battalion
Up 1 to 174 - Bathory Hordes
Up 1 to 144 - Dawn of War
Up 1 to 130 - Chinese Team
Up 1 to 109 - Brothers Grimmm
Up 1 to 98 - Sacred Flame Guardians
Up 1 to 79 - Squirrel Riders
Added at 71 - Knights of the Forgotten Age
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 02-21-2015 at 01:10 AM.
Hi Fran,
Thank for you keeping up on all this.
Guardians of House Cannith is at 159.