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Ok, Warmage round 4 is up.
Frankly the tree seemed to be missing the feeling of Warmage style.
So, I brought in lots of SLAs, redid the crit back into 1% evocation only, shuffled the bonus metamagics a bit.
The metamagic reduction costs were eliminated, and replaced with the core and tier 5 metamagics bonus feats offering reduced sp prices.
Warforged armor feat considerations were added.
There is also a % chance to gain temp sp gained on spell cast.
I realize the apply for 5 sp empower metamagic (+75 unvisersal spell power) will raise a few eyebrows, until one compares Fire Savant getting +60 fire spell power for free?
I tried to tone down the power, comparing to Savant but striving for more versatility than Savant.
The bonus metamagics will be welcome as Sorcerers are feat starved and I promoted the less chosen ones.