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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Quest Journal and Epics

    As it currently stands quests that have both a Heroic version and Epic version are listed as the same entries in the quest journal. I would like to suggest that these quests be separated out as two different journal entries. Examples of these quests include 3BC, House P Chain, VON etc...

    For starters, I would like it if I had a complete list in order of level 20 quests up through 28 in order, rather than having to look through my journal at each low level quest range to see which quests are roughly my character's level. Additionally, this makes it difficult to keep track of which quests you have done at heroic level and which quests you have done at epic level for first time run bonuses. This also doesn't allow you to accrue bravery bonuses at epic levels if you happened to do the quest while you were leveling up in heroic levels.

    Ideally, I would like to see every quest listed out and also have the ability to hover over the quest to have it say:

    Normal: Completed!
    Hard: Incomplete.
    Elite: Completed!

    To keep track of which first time bonuses you are still eligible for without having to walk to the quest to check.

  2. #2
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    They planned on putting up a solution, but I think it was shelved for the time being.

  3. #3
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    I'd like to update this suggestion to also include (from the quest journal) the ability to check if a quest is currently on ransack and the ransack timer. I was playing a lot this weekend and I couldn't keep track which quests I had done/not done and found myself signing up for quests that had 40% ransack penalties that I likely would have spent that time running something else if I could check before joining a group.

  4. #4
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vindraxx View Post
    I'd like to update this suggestion to also include (from the quest journal) the ability to check if a quest is currently on ransack and the ransack timer. I was playing a lot this weekend and I couldn't keep track which quests I had done/not done and found myself signing up for quests that had 40% ransack penalties that I likely would have spent that time running something else if I could check before joining a group.
    Type /ransack and it tells you your ransack penalties.
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  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Type /ransack and it tells you your ransack penalties.
    Thank you for this, I actually was in a party doing epic elites nonetheless and asked and no one was certain of if there was a way to check (everyone knew about completions/raid timers). If they do ever update the quest journal, I still think this would be a good addition of information there. Thanks!

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