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  1. #41
    Community Member Gnarkh's Avatar
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    Sep 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Gnarkh View Post
    bard 10 / ranger 6 / rogue 4 (running in Divine Crusader)
    Some more brainstorming. With APs probably going into unlocking Deepwood Sniper Cores. Is there a compelling reason for rogue 4? Bard 12 / ranger 6 / rogue 2 would gain another Swashbuckler core.

    I leveled the wizard build to 16 now. Very smooth and I like the combination of solid throwing damage layered with some wizard offense (currently using AoE and some DoTs even in boss fights) and defense a lot so far. This would synergize *a lot* better, if I put more effort in some spell damage equipment. Hard to fit, though.

    With the level order I had to do on the fly, I'll unlock CDG at cap, so it's still not a full potential.
    "Don't mess with dragons for thou art crunchy and go well with ketchup."
    Proud citizen of Khyber, Dabbler in the arcane art of creating flavor builds and weird guides:
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  2. #42
    Community Member Olds-cool's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    After a few more months any further thoughts? I'm about to hTR in a static group where I've played the original Shuricannon and then jakee's drow meteor swarm... was looking for something different but would still need to be self sufficient an party EE capable. Trapper would be desired as well.
    Olds, Proud Member of The Silver Legion on Cannith

  3. #43
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010


    I am testing that build at the moment and having a lot of fun. It is a challenging build to set up since i dont own any of the throwing equipement. I'm now at level 9 and trying to get all the named throwing weapons along the way and planning to get a green steel shuriken for the undeads since i dont have very strong dps there. Thank you for sharing that build. I cant wait to see the end game results!

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