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Thread: disentegrate

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default disentegrate

    Random question. Has there ever been a build for disentegrate? I've always loved the spell and wondered if any1 had any thoughts on hos to use it effectively.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sorcerer can't really build for Disintegrate, since they're pushed into 4 elemental choices.
    Wizard would be rough to build for Disintegrate, because that's Transmutation but they have all these Necromancy enhancements (for both offense and healing)

  3. #3
    Community Member Toro12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by revanist25 View Post
    Random question. Has there ever been a build for disentegrate? I've always loved the spell and wondered if any1 had any thoughts on hos to use it effectively.
    Kind cool spell but expensive and not terribly reliable.
    It is pretty much the only transmutation damage spell in the sorc/wiz book.

    Don't get me wrong , when you need it it is great. But it isn't really good enough to stand on its own.

    For a build I'd probably just go force spec evocation archmage since it gets boosted by force spell power. Evo archmage also gets you cyclonic blast as an SLA which casts like a baby diss.

  4. #4
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    There's plenty of choice for Archmage Wizard - Especially now with the ability to dip into Eldritch Knight.

    You won't be flavor of the month but I can't see it being impossible to build a viable Transmuter.

    You'll have a good flesh to stone DC and there's plenty of DPS spells elsewhere that don't require a DC

    I think I'd go for Warforged {preferably Bladeforged} Archmage/Eldritch Knight

  5. #5
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    Rightnow I'm lvl 21 pm focusing on necro and enchant. Next life will probably do wf am and wanted to see if I cou,d make dis work hehe

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Consider that many of the effects that boost Force Damage also boost un-typed damage, so while you work on your DCs don't forget to boost the power.

    Also keep in mind to have spells to cycle as Disintegrate does have a cooldown, is a Ray type spell so things can jump in the way of the target, or your target can move out of the way, you don't want to be caught flatfooted.

    Also it is a Fortitude Save spell so look for spells/effects that will debuff fortitude to help in tough spots.

    I love this spell against undead, but find it harder to land on the Fighter/Barbarian type mobs

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