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  1. #1
    Community Member Amideus's Avatar
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    Default Wizard/Bard Swashbuckler Int based, looking for ideas

    So I've gotten it into my head, with the hugely powerful potential of swashbuckling, and it basically replacing my unarmed monk builds since having to invest 16 levels into a single class and gimp damage is unfair on the instakill side of things, but 6 levels of a splash class for it is just fine, that I want to try an Int based SB build. I was looking at all the different potential, and decided that I'll save my fighter/barb based builds for my current main who is already mastering the dwarven art of being fat with con and hand axes. That left me wondering how to abuse the stat to damage change enhancement for SB, with the three stats being DEX, INT, CHA. I've never been a huge fan of DEX builds, and with AC not being as powerful as it used to be STR is just plain better since you can get Overwhelming Crit without taxing your stats into submission. Leaving INT and CHA, INT offering more skill points and caster splash options, CHA offering high DC for Bard abilities and potential with Turning/Sorc splash.

    Between the stats the easiest to get to hit and damage with would be INT, since artificers can get Insightful Strikes at level 3 and not be restricted by weapon choice, a huge plus. The obvious pairing with this would be wizard for the EK tree and several nice caster options. So bard gives you Swashbuckling, Wizard gives you a wide range of spells and buffs as well as inscription for a fair amount of flexibility, Art gives you nominal perks related to scolls and wands as well as insightful strikes. Overall giving you that nice jack of all trades, easy meta magic feats, but taxing on the melee feats. DC's won't be superb, and you won't be the best at defense or offense.

    So the question is, would such a split really be worth it, what race gives you the best potential, and which level split fits together without crippling the build. 6 bard gives you full access to th SB tier 5, 10 bard gives you 4th level spells, 3 art for trap skills and IS, 7/9/11 for 4th/5th/6th level wizard spells respectively. I haven't had much dealing with the Wizard class so anyone with knowledge of how useful the EK tree with SWF/SB would work endgame and the potential benefits of the wizard splash would be appreciated. I feel like even if this split might not work well past 20, it might be a good TR jumper, allowing nice progression from 1-20 without too much requirement. Though art is a premium class.

  2. #2
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    I'm assuming PM -- meaning you want at least 12 wizard levels so you can get wraith form. You probably also want at least 6 bard levels so you can get uncanny dodge (if not, you only need 5 levels). Last 2 levels are up to you and what you think helps.

    I currently have a 12 wizard/6 bard/2 fvs. Just Reward lets me generate temporary spell points (which is why I took fvs). Another alternative would be to take 2 artificer or 2 rogue. Artificer would get you rune arms and repeaters. Rogue gets you evasion. Both let you work traps.

  3. #3
    Community Member Amideus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    I'm assuming PM -- meaning you want at least 12 wizard levels so you can get wraith form. You probably also want at least 6 bard levels so you can get uncanny dodge (if not, you only need 5 levels). Last 2 levels are up to you and what you think helps.

    I currently have a 12 wizard/6 bard/2 fvs. Just Reward lets me generate temporary spell points (which is why I took fvs). Another alternative would be to take 2 artificer or 2 rogue. Artificer would get you rune arms and repeaters. Rogue gets you evasion. Both let you work traps.

    Is there any specific benefit from going PM for an INT based build other than negative energy healing? The forms seem nice but do not offer anything directly for INT melee. If it is mainly for the self healing from negative energy wouldn't going warforged or bladeforged(requiring multiple hearts of course) give you access to repair and reconstruction?

    It's a nice option for human though, the extra feat would be nice since I'm lacking fighter. Right now the goal would be three levels of Art specifically for Insightful Strikes, although going just 3 levels might not be worth it for the INT to hit.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amideus View Post
    Is there any specific benefit from going PM for an INT based build other than negative energy healing? The forms seem nice but do not offer anything directly for INT melee. If it is mainly for the self healing from negative energy wouldn't going warforged or bladeforged(requiring multiple hearts of course) give you access to repair and reconstruction?
    35% incorporeality from shroud of the dread wraith.

    There are a bunch of different versions of the wraith swashbuckler ... floating about. I'm going for 15/3/2 wiz/bard/rogue, currently lvl 18. No Coup de Grace since I'm trying to preserve casting ability, and so far spell DCs, most importantly web, have been sufficient. Probably not going to work into epics, but time will tell.

    Other variations I've seen mentioned are 12/6/2, 12/4/4, 15/5 and 17/3.

    For the record, my combat feats so far are Precision, IC:P plus SWF and Shield Mastery lines. No cleaves and not going for Overwhelming Critical.

    I only put a couple points into str and don't find it a problem to hit mobs, so not missing insightful strikes. If there is a potential issue I have rage, skaldic rage and tenser's to buff my to hit.
    Last edited by stoerm; 07-23-2014 at 04:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amideus View Post
    Is there any specific benefit from going PM for an INT based build other than negative energy healing?
    I think so; incorporeality, fortification, feather fall. All of these can be had in some way with gear but you don't need any gear for them (in wraith form) so save gear slots for other things.

    More than 12 levels isn't essential if your main focus is on Swashbuckling. Your spells serve to supplement melee ability rather than being the main focus of the build. If you wanted to be primarily spell focused you would, IMO, not bother with the Swashbuckler piece and instead go more Eldritch Knight and THF letting you remain pure wizard (or even pure sorcerer).

    The damage power in spells then goes to things like DoTs where there is no SR or saving throw and to auras/negative energy bursts. After all, the idea (at least for me) is to be in the melee.

    Saving up to 3 gear slots with wraith form running lets me slot other items that can be more focused on my build -- perform items, CHA skills items, INT skills items, and all sorts of other things (even PRR items).

    Lastly, you do have access to the Eldritch Knight enhancements as well. I use them to get Improved Mage Armor and Improved Shield.

  6. #6
    Community Member Drevok's Avatar
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    Also wraith form drains con on critical (or is it vorpal?) hits.
    I'd be curious if a wiz 12/bard6/rog2 would be. tier5 in swashbuckler for coup. plenty of skill points for traps. 3 bonus feats from wiz (mxm,xtnd,qkn). BAB is low so likely would need to cast tenser or divine power a lot.
    Self heal (negative) would be okayish. buckler use perhaps with EK. Insightful reflex as int based.
    Anyone tried this type of build?

  7. #7
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Although I went with FvS I think rogue (evasion) or arty (rune arm/repeater) might be an interesting 2 level splash. IMO either should work depending on a player's goal state.

    Not sure any of them are EE material. But before that, should work fairly well. Might even get real interesting if Shiradi with ranged/caster.

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