Max Charisma Max Con Anything else to Dex or Int depending on whether you want dodge feat or more skills.
All level ups to Charisma
1) Paladin - Feat Toughness
2) Paladin
3) Sorc - Feat Maximize
4) Sorc
5) Sorc
6) Sorc - Feat Empower
7) Sorc
8) Sorc
9) Sorc - Feat Quicken
10) Sorc
11) Monk - Feat Dodge or Toughness
12) Monk - Monk Feat - Mobility or Toughness Other Feat - Mental Toughness
13) Sorc
14) Sorc
15) Sorc - Improved Mental Toughness
16) Sorc
17) Sorc
18) Sorc - Spell Focus Evocation
19) Sorc
20) Sorc
21) Feat Epic Mental Toughness
24) Feat Epic Toughness
26) Feat: Spellpower Cold
27) Ruin
28) Feat: Spellpower Force
Water Savant
Main Spells - Draconic SLAs, , Sorc SLAs esp frost lance with no save, polar ray, ice storm, niacs biting cold
Most of these have no save or it's based on CHA so all the past lifes aren't necessary. Great Saves with 2 pal levels, evasion
ALT BUILD: Take adept of forms, master of forms, grandmaster of forms instead of mental toughness line. This gives you earth stance for more hp and better PRR.
SKILLS: spellcraft, dip for shiradi and UMD