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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2013

    Default Failed to load patchclient [Cannot load library patchclient: ]

    I tried to install the game for the first time in ages, on my new Windows 8.1 box. I downloaded the standalone install, but after hitting this issue I also tried to install through Steam. Same issue there.

    The installation seems to go ok, but when starting the launcher, after it has installed the Visual C++ 2005 and 2010 stuff, it fails with:

    An update error occurred: 
    Failed to load patchclient [Cannot load Library patchclient: ]
    The 60 second countdown runs its course and same problem again, ad infinitum.

    The logfile under appdata/local/Turbine/Launcher/ doesn't say much more:

    2014.07.19 21:53:03[W] Object::connect: No such signal QCheckBox::returnPressed()
    2014.07.19 21:53:03[W] Object::connect:  (sender name:   'checkEnterLastPlayed')
    2014.07.19 21:53:03[W] Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'loginButton')
    2014.07.19 21:53:03[W] Data Center URL:   QUrl( "" )   
    2014.07.19 21:53:10[W]  
    2014.07.19 21:53:10[W] PatchClientDLL::LoadDLL - failed to load library!  err:  "Cannot load library patchclient: "  
    2014.07.19 21:53:10[W] PatchFlow::OnDataCenterUpdated - LoadDLL error - strError:  "Failed to load patchclient [Cannot load library patchclient: ]" 
    2014.07.19 21:53:10[C]  
    2014.07.19 21:53:10[C] PatchFlow::AdmitFailure 
    2014.07.19 21:53:10[C] 	 PatchFlow::AdmitFailure  [ "Failed to load patchclient [Cannot load library patchclient: ]" ]
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by Tangoro; 07-20-2014 at 07:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    On my old computer I also had all sorts of trouble with this game, having to change permissions for individual files, use a custom pre-loader, etc. Because of these issues I stopped playing after a while, too many crashes and issues when loading a zone or changing character or going into the shop. I also played a bit from my Mac, but there I had other unique issues different from the ones on Windows, bad performance particularly.

    I was hoping things would be trouble free with a brand new and powerful machine, but now I cannot even get the launcher to run. My Windows 8.1 install is completely clean, the hardware is off the shelf standard built by the shop. When the game doesn't even install and launch painlessly on the latest standard OS and hardware it has serious issues.

    So, on three different machines with very standard and common setup, the game is not really playable for me while the other 10-15 games I have interest in all work fine (maybe 50% have Mac ports). I don't understand how this game can survive without fixing such issues.
    Last edited by Tangoro; 07-20-2014 at 07:00 AM. Reason: formatting broken

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Aug 2013


    Surprised that there seems to be nobody else with the same issue. Guess there must be something unique about my setup after all.

  4. #4
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    There has been a few threads here:

    that ultimately end up being: redownload the game and reinstall.

    Get ddo preloader to help.

    The first thread shows where to look for logs and my resolutions. It looks like some files are getting sorrupt or not completely downloaded, but are being reported as healthy. So if you have a backup or a second working client, nab the files.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Aug 2013


    Thanks for the suggestions and for taking an interest!

    I have tried downloading the "standalone" install once and twice through Steam. The failure is basically identical in all cases.

    I have also looked at the various locatinos for log information, I had actually searched my way to your thread on the patching issues earlier and read about what you did and the logfiles you read. Sadly there is not really any useful information there to debug the issue from.

    I suspect there may be some fix that is hard to guess based on the error information. Like in some other thread I read the fix was to install QuickTime, though there was no obvious way to reach that conclusion. But there is no information in the event logs or anywhere else, and the log file from the launcher itself just basically repeats the same error message, as you can see I have pasted in the top post.

    I created a ticket yesterday, but no high hopes for a quick resolution.

  6. #6
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    rename the patchclient file to .bak and try repatching.

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