Nah, not playing for couple more days, over is piked atm as a hmm 9 monk 6 ranger 5 rogue staff user, using that base while etring to swap between shuri/monkchery/dual shortsword and staff play.
Simply, whatever i feel like doing.
Maybe could make some kind wraps build with that base hmm, will look at it, but i dont have mats for a th forged pair of wraps, wasted all on shuri n shortsword.
Thing is, i played around with wolf builds, and with wraps builds with that twist and i was extremely surprised how strong it is when you combine it with high dstrike and att speed focused builds, personally i would call it a must have.
I would prolly go with sense/balanced/dance and maybe pin.
But that requires a 4 3 2 1 twist setup which would require you to br a nearly tripple epic completionist so that advice might not be correct for you depending on how eplifes many you have