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  1. #1
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    Default Tactician 2.0 Ranged/Melee

    Inspired by Carpal and Incise(Frets) the holder of most speed run records by any one player.

    Everything your monk is. Everything your monkcher is.
    Last edited by macadope; 08-03-2014 at 11:14 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default More Build Info

    12 Fighter / 6 Ranger / 2 Fighter
    (This is SDSF's final life)

    14str 15dex 10con 16wis 9cha (dex requires a +6 tome to qualify for combat archery)(SDSF has +6 tomes for every stat)

    1p/m pa stun fist
    2m zen archery
    3m completionist
    6m cleave pbs
    9r great cleave
    12r 10k
    15m/f ic:bludgeon ic:ranged
    16m/f gtwf
    18m ips
    21 quick
    22-24 imp ma
    27-combat archery
    28 guardian

    (The class slashes are pre +3 heart and post heart)


    Trinket: Deadly X of Resist X
    Head: Blue Dragon Helm (3wis)(luck2)(globe)
    Neck: Eidolons(4con)(4dex)(crushing wave guard)
    Goggles: Shadowsight(11wis)(16prr)
    Cloak: Wolf(prot7)(exstun6)
    Belt: Str10 of 50gfl
    Bracers: Dubstrikes(9dex)(8%double strike)
    Armor: Shadowscale(2d6 profane sneak)/(profane combat DC bonus)(fort)(deathblock)(draconic)(nat armor7)
    Boots: Goatskins(8con)(sp250)(cha8)
    Ring: Avithoul
    Ring: Dun Robar(stun10)(2str)(dodge8)
    Gloves: Nether Grasps(seeker10)(2prof str)(spell fail)
    Trash Weps: bow/wraps-1st degree-(meteor)-mortal(reco138)(vitality)
    Boss Weps: bow/wraps-1st degree-dragon edge-3rd degree(reco138)(vitality)

    Helplessness: stun fist, Otto dance, pin, kukan do
    Crits: violence begets violence (with bow too)
    Con dump: that's why I have 3 barb and 9 primal past lives.
    Stances: dubstrike, colors, enchant wep, brace, shadar Kai
    Wisdom: 50 with reg buffs. 52 with store pot.
    DCs: 80 stun fist, 67 kkd(will)
    UMD: 44 w/gh
    Dodge: 19-22% (maxed out during blitz)
    Damage Avoidance/Mitigation: AC miss chance-48%--Displace-50%--Dodge 22% Total: 20.28% chance to be hit---89prr=38.43% damage reduction. However when Guardian Angel procs prr goes to 140 which is 50.92% damage reduction

    A few stats:
    Healing Amp Mode: 102% healable
    Max AC: 155
    Saves: 67 60 63
    PRR: 89
    Wisdom: 52
    Fort: 210%
    UMD: 49
    Stunning Fist: 80
    Kukan Do: 67
    Last edited by macadope; 07-24-2014 at 11:46 AM.

  3. #3
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    It's a great split, I run the exact same split but instead of going for more of the ranged portion with IPS and such I went with whirlwind. I went with more of a melee split instead of an even split of ranged and melee like it looks like you went. Very diverse build though that fits the blitzer or fury shotter role very well.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kodwraith's Avatar
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    How on earth are you getting 1k per regular hit? What am I missing? I can totally see 4k on a crit since that's 4x (2x +1 LD, +1 Earth)

    Kodraith / Xanxibar / Xinibar / Lensgrinder :: Lava Divers of Khyber :: I'm a monk. I hit things; it's what I do.

  5. #5
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    I've considered running something like this but I'm probably not nearly manly enough.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  6. #6
    Community Member Nayus's Avatar
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    Can I please link this thread every time someone says "Monks don't need any nerf"?

  7. #7
    Community Member Nayus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodwraith View Post
    How on earth are you getting 1k per regular hit? What am I missing? I can totally see 4k on a crit since that's 4x (2x +1 LD, +1 Earth)

    It's called "Extra damage to helpless mobs."

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nayus View Post
    Can I please link this thread every time someone says "Monks don't need any nerf"?
    Sure. Nerfs don't really affect me. I just think of something else and usually it's better than before.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodwraith View Post
    How on earth are you getting 1k per regular hit? What am I missing? I can totally see 4k on a crit since that's 4x (2x +1 LD, +1 Earth)

    The biggest crit I can remember is about 6500 with my fists. (In LD). I've only run him in fury once. And the numbers were pretty over the top.

  10. #10
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Is halfling+dragonmarks something you've considered?

    Halfling is mainly because you're short and get a WHOLE lot more out of IPS. Knight_slayer explained it well in his Sestra thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by Knight_slayer View Post
    There is another very big plus to the halfling that you have not mentioned which is that the halfling shoots its arrows lower to the ground than any other class. This means you get full IPS damage when fighting small mobs like wolves, dogs, spiders(not tiny spiders but all others) and any other mob that is low to the ground. I recently did a PDK life and the difference in DPS when pulling smaller mobs is huge. You basicly loose IPS on half the mobs in the game which is a 300-800% damage increase depending on how many you can hit/pull. It's a huge difference and is worth trying the halfling just to see what I'm talking about.
    Dragonmarks obviously aren't nearly as good as Recon but they do hold their own.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  11. #11
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    Default Regarding halfling

    Not sure if u r trolling or asking a serious question.

    In the event that u r really asking this:

    I'm not changing the race of my toon for killing spiders. Most of my play style includes ranging things and when they are close enough melee-ing them. If a mob is close enough for that kind of geometry to matter then I melee.

    Also I would not drop one single feat, or one single ap for the dragon mark stuff. I also enjoy double boosting while I melee which isn't possible on a halfling.

  12. #12
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macadope View Post
    Not sure if u r trolling or asking a serious question.
    I was asking a serious question- there's a lot of discussion about it over in Sestra's thread. I wasn't sure if you primarily liked to melee or ranged, so if it was ranged that could have helped. I don't know how you play, or the playstyle you have- to some people halfling is a very good fit, I wasn't sure if it's something you had considered.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  13. #13
    Community Member Amideus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nayus View Post
    Can I please link this thread every time someone says "Monks don't need any nerf"?
    You can, you would be wrong in the assumption that this is special across all classes. While this is possibly the best monk build I've seen and worthy of praise, outside of consistent stunning it does not hold a candle to the raw damage output of weapon based melee classes, or more specialized ranged classes. I do love the dual potential of the build, and it is quite powerful for group play being able to contend with nearly every quest by bringing something to the table. This much I like. But if you think those numbers are something special, It's a single number on a stunned mob, and with the advent of swashbuckling SWF builds, a moderate or mid level melee build.

    Again I mean absolutely no disrespect and I love the build, if I had a +3 heart to dump I'd love to try it myself. But the sad reality is that this still doesn't make monks better off than weapon based melee builds with 13-20x4/5 crit profiles. How do you feel the LD changes will affect the build if they opt NOT to let ranged benefit from Blitz or the other melee power buffs? If FOTW gains both ranged and melee power from the changes instead of the other melee destinies would you consider that as an option? Overall the DC's on the stuns are incredible, especially the KKD.

  14. #14
    Community Member Alternative's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nayus View Post
    Can I please link this thread every time someone says "Monks don't need any nerf"?
    You could go learn to play, unarmed is currently the third weakest fighting style. One multi completionist blitzing means nothing to a new player starting as a monk. So no, monks do not need a nerf, tard.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amideus View Post
    But the sad reality is that this still doesn't make monks better off than weapon based melee builds with 13-20x4/5 crit profiles.
    I think u r wrong here. SDSF's 39th life was as a 2rogue/1fvs/17bard str based swashbuckler. Which was the only other build that held a candle to the dps and survivability of this guy, but as you can see SDSF is a monk.

    For the record I Solo'd on exclusively EE content (if I was grouped or in EH I was piking)every single class to cap.(including barbarian) I tried to be the very best of what each class is/was to get a solid grasp on what the class had to offer.

  16. #16
    Community Member Amideus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macadope View Post
    I think u r wrong here. SDSF's 39th life was as a 2rogue/1fvs/17bard str based swashbuckler. Which was the only other build that held a candle to the dps and survivability of this guy, but as you can see SDSF is a monk.

    For the record I Solo'd on exclusively EE content (if I was grouped or in EH I was piking)every single class to cap.(including barbarian) I tried to be the very best of what each class is/was to get a solid grasp on what the class had to offer.
    Right, well I'm currently only on my fourth life with minimal gear and I can already match/exceed the damage you are doing on weapon hits with my blitz built swashbuckler and I am not fully geared. I do not have your AC, but I'm sure I meet or exceed everything else including PRR and resistances. Now I do not know quite how the breakdown for your attacks would go, but my crit threat range is superior to yours 100% versus unarmed, and my Attack speed and double strike is massive without much effort from SWF. Now as far as breakdowns go, and with 35% Armor Piercing being relatively easy to come by now, unarmed holds far less appeal in the damage market. Everyone can do well in blitz, but in most cases for legitimate endgame EE you will be in a group. You will not be able to rely on blitz. And you will not beat weapon based builds in damage. That is fact. Now you build is nice for solo content and versatility, but relies heavily on the unintended interaction between Blitz and ranged damage (they already stated it's not supposed to boost it although it does) and may fall flat if they remove this functionality from LD in the patch.

    But I would like to say I love the build, and it's a much nicer split than most other monkcher based builds. Definitely a well rounded build.
    Last edited by Amideus; 08-06-2014 at 11:28 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amideus View Post
    Right, well I'm currently only on my fourth life with minimal gear and I can already match/exceed the damage you are doing on weapon hits with my blitz built swashbuckler and I am not even using helplessness. I do not have your AC, but I'm sure I meet or exceed everything else including PRR and resistances. Now I do not know quite how the breakdown for your attacks would go, but my crit threat range is superior to yours 100% versus unarmed, and my Attack speed and double strike is massive without much effort from SWF. Now as far as breakdowns go, and with 35% Armor Piercing being relatively easy to come by now, unarmed holds far less appeal in the damage market. Everyone can do well in blitz, but in most cases for legitimate endgame EE you will be in a group. You will not be able to rely on blitz. And you will not beat weapon based builds in damage. That is fact. Now you build is nice for solo content and versatility, but relies heavily on the unintended interaction between Blitz and ranged damage (they already stated it's not supposed to boost it although it does) and may fall flat if they remove this functionality from LD in the patch.

    But I would like to say I love the build, and it's a much nicer split than most other monkcher based builds. Definitely a well rounded build.
    Screenshots please. Not that I want to eat my words. But my 39th life was a swashbuckler, with helplessness could get around 1300-1400 non crit base damage.

    I've been able to achieve about the the same with this guy. These screenies were from his first day capped. I will try to capture some.

    In fury I feel pretty powerful as well. I will post his fotw set ups when I get around to it. And the damage is fine in fury. This guy only gets taken off the shelf now for speed record runs, and does not get paraded around in groups or pugs as he already has everything in the game, and I have other toons on their own journey to greatness.

    Swashbuckler has great dps but double boosting on a monk is as fast as it comes imho.

    As far as nerf to ranged, I don't really care, the game will change and I will evolve. I'm not gonna throw a fit because something changes, I just figure something else out, and have fun doing it.

  18. #18
    Community Member Amideus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macadope View Post
    Screenshots please. Not that I want to eat my words. But my 39th life was a swashbuckler, with helplessness could get around 1300-1400 non crit base damage.

    I've been able to achieve about the the same with this guy. These screenies were from his first day capped. I will try to capture some.

    In fury I feel pretty powerful as well. I will post his fotw set ups when I get around to it. And the damage is fine in fury. This guy only gets taken off the shelf now for speed record runs, and does not get paraded around in groups or pugs as he already has everything in the game, and I have other toons on their own journey to greatness.

    Swashbuckler has great dps but double boosting on a monk is as fast as it comes imho.

    As far as nerf to ranged, I don't really care, the game will change and I will evolve. I'm not gonna throw a fit because something changes, I just figure something else out, and have fun doing it.
    While it's true that hitting hard is important, the rate at which you crit and the procs you can get from crits are also important. Being able to get vorpals on 19-20, 40-100 extra sonic damage on crits, as well as the crit procs from thunderforged items, pushes SWF above unarmed in terms of actual dps. And there is nothing about monks that gives them double action boosts, that is done from class/ED/Race. I would venture a guess that SWF attack speed + AB: Haste + Haste Spell with AB: Doublestrike would likely be a brutally effective combination.

    One thing I was wondering about was your Quivering Palm. How high of a DC are you able to achieve with this build to QP, do you feel that it is effective enough to use in EE, and if it's not for this build would it be possible to shift some more focus to Tactical DC and try to get it high enough to work.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amideus View Post
    I can already match/exceed the damage you are doing on weapon hits with my blitz built swashbuckler and I am not even using helplessness.

    All the other stuff aside I'm asking you to substantiate this statement or retract it completely.

    And you can use haste boost and power of the forge at the same time, which is double boosting.(yes you can do this on an SB) You cannot use haste boost and dubstrike boost simultaneously though.

    I have violence begets violence...and I get missed a lot. And as far as you rate of critting...the fact that 90% of everything that I hit is helpless is a massive boost to dps, and rarely does a boss live thru my fully blitzed manyshot. SB at best has stunning blow and slap in the face for helplessness. Both have long cool downs, SDSF has stunning fist, KKD, otto's dance, and pin. This coupled with sense weakness and combat brute is when you start to expect 4 digit non crit numbers flowing on your screen for several seconds after mobs are dead.

    Monks attack faster...(period)

    Only 12 monk lvls no qp. Tactician 1.0 was based on shattering/qp and was fairly nice to fuel blitz, but in truth qp is a nice little trick...DPS is king.
    Last edited by macadope; 08-06-2014 at 07:46 AM.

  20. #20
    Community Member Amideus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macadope View Post
    All the other stuff aside I'm asking you to substantiate this statement or retract it completely.
    After running some numbers since I am not able to easily capture from in-game and I find it just the same to post numbers, I have found that I in fact was getting helpless from an ability, though I did not realize it at the time of the post. I have already edited the post to reflect my change in view and have since come back with the potential numbers. This does not involve guild buff bonuses to damage or non-self buffs. So here is the breakdown of what I have had:

    Dwarf con based swashbuckler, 12/6/2 split Bard/Fighter/Rogue. Using a Tier 2 Thunder-forged Handaxe. Self buffs only, LD destiny and basic lootgen items.

    Selfbuffed Con score: 68

    Base damage of weapon is 4.5[1d6] with +11 enhancement bonus. Improved power attack brings this to 5[1d6] and LD action boost bonus brings it to 6[1d6] during the boost. This is an average damage number of around 21 for base damage rolls. My weapon specific special attacks such as Lay waste and Momentum Swing offer 11[1d6] during this, and they are specific to weapon based builds that cannot be used while unarmed and are therefor relevant to show the potential for weapon builds to surpass unarmed.

    No for the damage bonuses to crits:
    • +11 Enhancement from weapon
    • +10 seeker item
    • +10 deadly item

    • +58 from Con because of SWF
    • +5 Power Attack
    • +4 dwarf Axe enhancements
    • +3 Monk Past Life
    • +3 On the Mark
    • +5 Stacked Advancing Blows
    • +4 Swashbuckler Cores

    This gives me a total of 113 bonus to damage on top of my damage roll with a 19-20 critical multiplier of x6 normal and x7 Lay Waste. Also +2 from Inspire Courage.

    So Average Critical Based Damage: 21 + 115 x6 = 816 damage.
    Lay Waste: 39 + 115 x7 = 1078 damage.

    During Blitz this is 250% more damage.
    Normal: 816 x 2.5 = 2048 damage.
    Lay Waste: 1078 x 2.5 = 2695 damage.

    This is where I found the disparity in my math versus what I had seen in game. So I went and applied my helplesness bonus damage of 80%, since I twist in the 30% bonus from FOTW.

    Normal: 2048 x 1.8 = 3686
    Lay Waste: 2695 x 1.8 = 4851

    So after checking around in the LD destiny I came across Anvil of Thunder, which stuns for 6 seconds on vorpals. Since I vorpal on 19-20 because of Perfect SWF, I must have noticed my 4600-5k blitz crits hitting during the stun. Again this is my fault for not realizing that my build had a way to grant helplessness.

    Overall the damage is similar with more attack speed(Yes SWF is a higher speed than unarmed) But less doublestrike since there is no offhand doublestrike chance. The other thing that pushes this build ahead is the benefit from crit procs. I get between several hundred and around one thousand extra damage from crit procs and 19-20 vorpal procs. That pushes this ahead in every instance of a stun immune enemy. I'm not mentioning this to downplay your build in the least, as it looks amazing, but mostly abuses benefits that were not originally intended for Master's Blitz. I mainly want to highlight the disparity between unarmed monk damage and weapon based builds in EE content.

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