Having discovered I have a surplus of half-elf pure clerics with Pinions, and December freebie ETR tokens, and that ranger dilly grants a limited version of bow strength, and already knowing helves can unlock AA, and clerics can choose the Silver Flame for a teeny bit more bow damage, it occurs to me there may be a way to build a pure helf cleric AA that isn't totally gimp.
This will be a level 28 character ETRing. Pure cleric. Half elf. Will probably otherwise be mostly DC-casting specced as none of my warpriest builds had a Pinion dumped on them (and I tend to use gswords with Warpriests anyway as you can't use the healing smite with a bow). Also probably won't have any _other_ good bows besides Pinion.
Here's a 1st lifer who can afford to swap around a few feats and still keep most of her casting power. She's also already farmed some tomes.
(32 point char)
Str 13 (+3 tome)
Dex 8 (+3 tome)
Con 14 (+2 tome)
Int 9 (+3 tome)
Wis 18 (+4 tome)
Cha 12 (+2 tome)
1-Power Attack ( + Fighter Dilettante)
6-Empower Healing
15-Mental Toughness
18-Improved Mental Toughness
21-Spell Focus: Evocation
24-Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
26-Epic Spell Focus: Evocation
28-Epic Spell Power: Positive
The Power Attack and Toughness are leftover from pre-enhancement-pass heroic levels, and the two Mental Toughness's are leftover from grinding out her destinies and not having gear. She has her +150, +200, +250 spellpoint augments and most of her destinies ground out now so it's time to ETR and put on the big girl pants.
As far as casting feats go, I want to keep Empower Healing and Quicken, and the three Focus feats. I have been on something of a necromancy kick with all my clerics so I wouldn't mind switching from Evocation to Necromancy (however there may not be enough skill points to unlock AA, get the Radiant burst, _and_ get a viable necromancer from DD). I'm just throwing it out as an option. Maximize would be nice if there's a free slot after whatever bow feats are necessary.
What sort of AA can I build with this framework (and what pointers might be offered as far as statting and feat selection)? When searching the boards I mostly come across dedicated multi-class AA builds.
edit: Posted in the helf boards because the helf AA is the part I need help with, not the cleric part.