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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Red face Small guild in development is searching for nice players who like real teamwork :)

    Hi everyone

    We are the guild 'House Of The Rising Sun' on the server Orien.

    As the honorable madam I - ingame Lenyalynn - hope to be able to make this - only growing!!! - guild a get-together of players who become real friends and are always happy to help each other.
    The main feature should be, that we are in contrast to the many power gamers really seeking to have fun by facing the challenge of mastering dungeons not by sheer numbers and being well overpowered running through, but by making all the different abilities of the individual characters count, communicate well to play with lots of tactics and fun. This means we aren't just rushing through dungeons, but sometimes need a bit of patience and several tries to find the tactics that work. Each dungeon is very different when played that way! And it's such a good feeling to master them that way ;D. So far I gathered much experience soloing on elite and I can open all the quests on elite to provide the necessary challenge Now I hope to find a small bunch of likeminded players who'd enjoy this style as much as I do

    We are so far lvl 18 and are therefor limited on the amenities we can have. But those we can have we have and a nice big ship to display them all

    I hope to see you soon ingame
    Feel free to message me there too

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    By now we are close to lvl 22 and have our own TS3 server for guildchat and our own forum.
    Feel free to have a look

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Red face Rising!

    What a jump!!!

    We proudly are now guild level 29 after our lower level guildies ran a party through the Three Barrel Cove Saga yesterday and produced with the aid of the small guild bonus and a couple of renown potions even an incredibly impressive 7 guild level jump
    Unbelievable but true!

    It was such a great fun and even more so to place all the newly freed airship amenities

    We are still looking for likeminded players to join

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    We reached guild level 37 by now and finally enjoy our own spirit bind point on board amongst a whole lot of other fun and useful rooms

    And still we call out for likeminded players to please join us and join into the real playing fun

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