Now the auction house in Thelanis is empty... there's nothing good on sale. And I need one item. A Ghost Waking Cloak. ML 14 or 23. I've been looking for 2 weeks and didn't see one.
Anyone has one for sale?
Now the auction house in Thelanis is empty... there's nothing good on sale. And I need one item. A Ghost Waking Cloak. ML 14 or 23. I've been looking for 2 weeks and didn't see one.
Anyone has one for sale?
Try the Thelanis Marketplace forum - this might actually be seen in there.
You don't see them on the AH because they're all on the A$AH...there are 3 ML23 cloaks on it right now.
FWIW - looking for named items that fall in quests many people loathe (The Crucible) in the regular AH is likely going to turn up nothing.
"Melkorr (Completionist "Toaster of Vengeance") ~ Angrond (TWF Jugg) ~ Telchacar ~ Celebrimor (Bank) ~ Manados
Officer of The Innfellows