Feat: Augment Summon
Min Level: 21
12 CLR or 12 WIZ or 12 SOR or 12 ART or 12 DRU or 12 FVS
Duration: 1 Minute
Cooldown: 5 minutes
Usage: Brings forth a minion, selected from a list, depending on class
Eladrin Nobleman: Cleric-type summon with massive light spells. Can and will heal allies.
Efreeti Sultan: Dual wields flaming scimitars and is enshrouded in a brutal fire shield.
The Spirit Legion: 10 spectres that spread out and attack all enemies in the area.
Ancient Elemental (Random: Air/Earth/Water/Fire): beefed up versions of standard elementals.
Elder Beholder: The BIG BAD. This thing will make the enemy beg for mercy.
Elder Pseudodragon: Fireball breathing, flying dragonette that will also cast dancing sphere and Otto's Irresistable Dance.
Golem (Random: Stone/Clay/Iron): Pretty standard golems, but much tougher.
Magefire Cannon: Immobile weapons platform, loaded to bear.
Bladeforged Juggernaut: A taunting, charging, cleaving mass of blades and brutality.
Ancient Elemental (Random: Air Earth/Water/Fire): As the WIZ summons.
Dryad Matron: A strong healer/buffer. If not cast in combat, will cast a lot of mass buffs on the party.
Huge Wood Woad: We've seen it in action. Make it tougher and let it stomp its way into the fray.
There is no SP cost for these summons. They are meant to assist in an on and off manner, that's why they have such a short duration and such a long cooldown.
These things are meant to change a battle, but not all of them. They are to create IMPACT, not duration.