I would like some advice. The main reason I chose these three classes is becuase A I wanted to use a bow and have chosen follower of the silver flame to get a boost with longbows. I am focusing on arcane archery with my Ranger class. I am an elf and have focused on search, spot, listen for both the ranger and the rougue. The rougue really only has enchancments guarding against posion so far. I am not to certian on a path to use. I have gotten the posion enhancments from the dark blade path though. I don't know though if the poision attacks are melee or if they will stack with my arrows. I chose the cleric class for the healing ability. Mainly I use it for buffs and to use it for healing. I want to be able to disarm traps, open doors, heal and bring back to life dead party members or myself as needed, and Have fun with a bow.
I am asking for suggestions on the best course of action in order to accomplish this goal.
I don't know how to draw up a character sheet but I will gather the specs on my character at a later date and submit them if needed.