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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Cleric Level 2/ Rougue level 2/ Ranger level 1

    I would like some advice. The main reason I chose these three classes is becuase A I wanted to use a bow and have chosen follower of the silver flame to get a boost with longbows. I am focusing on arcane archery with my Ranger class. I am an elf and have focused on search, spot, listen for both the ranger and the rougue. The rougue really only has enchancments guarding against posion so far. I am not to certian on a path to use. I have gotten the posion enhancments from the dark blade path though. I don't know though if the poision attacks are melee or if they will stack with my arrows. I chose the cleric class for the healing ability. Mainly I use it for buffs and to use it for healing. I want to be able to disarm traps, open doors, heal and bring back to life dead party members or myself as needed, and Have fun with a bow.

    I am asking for suggestions on the best course of action in order to accomplish this goal.

    I don't know how to draw up a character sheet but I will gather the specs on my character at a later date and submit them if needed.

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Normally I don't like to tell people to start over, but at only lvl 5, you may be better off starting over.

    But for other builds with this class split, have a look at my Tempest Warpriest and Phidius's old cleric 12 / rgr 6 / rog 2 build.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2013


    While I thank you for your advice I am in a party with another player and we have already started over twice before for different reasons. I would rather stick with my current set up at present. But I do wish to know if there are any choices that may help me in the long run.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    You should probably post your stats, and what feats you've taken so far. Which will help people determine what options you have open. The 12 cleric 6 ranger 2 rogue build that was mentioned would probably work for you, but your leveling order would be different - since you've already taken 2 rogue. I don't think you can get a self ress ability with your class split, but you should be able to do everything else.

    Don't worry about enhancements to much you can play with them forever - I do. Experimenting with what works best for you is part of the fun of the game.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Character Name: RenaSukura

    Race: Elf

    Stats Mod

    Strength 14 +2

    Dexterity 18 +4

    Constitution 12 +1

    Intelligence 9 -1

    Wisdom 14 +2

    Charisma 8 -1

    Hit points 76

    Spell points 197

    Ki 0

    Armor class 20 +2


    Fortitude +6

    Reflext +10

    Will +5

    BAB +3

    Spell resistance 0

    Fortification 0




    Bow Strength (Not fully realized)

    Cleric Spontaneous Casting

    Defensive Fighting

    Elven Keen Senses

    Enchantment Save Bonus


    Exotic Weapon : Great CrossBow

    Favored Enemy UNDEAD

    Follower of the Silver Flame

    Heavy Armor Proficiency

    Heroic Durability

    Immunity to Sleep

    Magical Training

    Material Weapon Proficency

    Medium Armor Proficency

    Point Blank Shot

    Religious Lore

    Sheild Proficency (General)

    Simple Weapon Proficency


    Sneak Attack


    Trap Finding


    Turn Undead Cleric

    Wild Empathy

    Wilderness Lore

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