The name of your fansite. The Witchin Hour...
The fansite's URL.
A brief (around 50 words max) description of your fansite's content : The Witch in the Woods (or the Witching Hour) is a web site where all players in the Thelanis Server can join with the Witch to Roleplay.
But the site is too a personal web where I put all the stories, and drawings, comics etc ... from my early years of roleplaying in Greyhawk with this character to the present, now with the seeting of Eberron; Tharsys fits well because of the background of the world of Eberron.
Not being a native English, I have to translate all the stories to English. Maybe some translations may not be entirely correct. I apologize in advance.
Many parts of the web are incomplete, but the events are open to everyone. remember. "Thelanis server"