hi i am interested in joining this event i have a few questions
do i need to be flagged?
what level range do i need to be in?
hope to be ready tonite
hi i am interested in joining this event i have a few questions
do i need to be flagged?
what level range do i need to be in?
hope to be ready tonite
Hey Mrtoast, sorry I didn't see your note until just now. There is no level restriction for this event. Abbot requires flagging. Here's how...
Flagging for abbot starts with collecting the 8 sigil pieces to complete your sigil of the abbot. Once you've completed your sigil, turn it into the NPC that gives the sigil frame, Sir Rohine in upper Necropolis, and he will grant the quest Litany of the Dead. Sigil pieces are most efficiently acquired from chests in the 4 heroic Orchard of the Macabre quests (Fleshmaker's Laboratory, Ghosts of Perdition, Inferno of the Damned and Desecrated Temple of Vol) but can also drop in rare chests in the orchard (heroic slayer instance only). Any sigil piece can drop from any chest in heroic orchard quests or rare chests, however sigil pieces 1-4 commonly drop in specific orchard quests, while pieces 5-8 are random. See Litany link above for more on sigil piece locations. Note that it is not necessary to run orchard quests to flag for Litany, as long as you have a completed sigil. You can also carry extra sigil pieces over to your next life.
Once you are flagged for Litany, you will need to complete the quest 4 times to kill each of the 4 bosses. Halfway through the quest, you will encounter a black dragon that will ask you a series of questions. Your answers will determine which boss you face. Answers for these questions, as well as solvers for many DDO puzzles can be found at cubicleninja.com. Be careful to answer correctly, you cannot restart the questions and if you answer incorrectly, the dragon will instakill you. After killing each boss there is an exit beyond the boss chest that you need to exit through, which will take you to the top of the tower outside of the orchard quest corresponding to the boss you killed. There are 4 crystals that need to be destroyed to complete the flagging for that boss. Do not destroy these crystals until all members of your party are present. Party members not present when the crystals are destroyed will not get credit for that boss. Then re-enter litany and do the same for the remaining bosses. Once you have killed all 4 Litany bosses, Sir Rohine will bestow the raid.
Hope to see you next week!![]()
Sarlona: Gingerspyce ~ Voodu ~ Sportyspyce ~ Guitarr ~ Vooduspyce
Live Streaming on Twitch ~ Raid Nights with the High Lords ~ Teaching Raid Videos ~ Warlock for Beginners ~ Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting
Heya Ginger. I just wanted to say that coming back to DDO was a treat thanks to you guys and your open/teaching raids. I joined you guys a few times two years ago or so (Zehnpai in game). The past year I've been unable to attend as my wife and I had a new baby but I have tons of time on my hands again and am looking forward to joining every chance again soon!
Thanks for helping to make DDO awesome, especially our little home of Sarlona.
Building a Better DDO
Sarlona: Gingerspyce ~ Voodu ~ Sportyspyce ~ Guitarr ~ Vooduspyce
Live Streaming on Twitch ~ Raid Nights with the High Lords ~ Teaching Raid Videos ~ Warlock for Beginners ~ Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting
Tuesday Night Abbotfest is going on hiatus for the winter. I just have something else going on for Tuesday nights now. I plan on bringing it back in the spring!
In the meant time, Friday Night Mark of Deathfest continues and our 2017 teaching raid series will start in January!
Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 12-01-2016 at 10:29 PM.
Sarlona: Gingerspyce ~ Voodu ~ Sportyspyce ~ Guitarr ~ Vooduspyce
Live Streaming on Twitch ~ Raid Nights with the High Lords ~ Teaching Raid Videos ~ Warlock for Beginners ~ Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting
Hey e1, I'm happy to announce the return of Tuesday Night Abbotfest, which will resume on Tuesday April 18th at 9pm EST! See op for event details.
If you are new to heroic abbot, our Tuesday night events are a great place to learn and start working toward your coveted abbot loots! Hope to see you there![]()
Sarlona: Gingerspyce ~ Voodu ~ Sportyspyce ~ Guitarr ~ Vooduspyce
Live Streaming on Twitch ~ Raid Nights with the High Lords ~ Teaching Raid Videos ~ Warlock for Beginners ~ Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting
I'll be out of town and out of game next week, so no Abbotfest on May 16th. Abbotfest will return on Tuesday, May 23rd.
Sarlona: Gingerspyce ~ Voodu ~ Sportyspyce ~ Guitarr ~ Vooduspyce
Live Streaming on Twitch ~ Raid Nights with the High Lords ~ Teaching Raid Videos ~ Warlock for Beginners ~ Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting
I joined this last night and it was great! First time doing this raid. I've wanted to do it for years, but between the lengthy flagging process, the lack of groups, and the complexity of the raid it never worked out. Thanks for letting me tag along!
I'm glad you got to finally do the raid and that you got to do it with us! I think you were in the second raid of the night, which was the uncharacteristically bumpy run. Hope to see you next Tuesday and if you keep coming we'll start getting you practiced on the puzzles![]()
Sarlona: Gingerspyce ~ Voodu ~ Sportyspyce ~ Guitarr ~ Vooduspyce
Live Streaming on Twitch ~ Raid Nights with the High Lords ~ Teaching Raid Videos ~ Warlock for Beginners ~ Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting