Just like to say I'm pretty sure what you're after with your proposals and goals towards incentive for pure breed classes and I completely agree with you (though I'm sure many others wouldn't).
That said, I really hope that any changes that roll out won't include taking a nerf bat to existing classes to prevent said classes from being over used for splash purposes. Many classes (Pals and Barbs especially) will only suffer from nerfing certain aspects no matter what you add - simply, add to the classes - don't subtract from them.
Instead of nerfing existing classes, I strongly suggest looking at and re-evaluating alignments. Part of what puts the game out of balance is the ability splash classes that are nearly polar opposites of one another (rogues with Pals, good aligned Pals with undead based classes). I really think the answer lies with alignment restrictions and not with taking away appealing features of existing classes.
Looking forward to the changes as they roll out.