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  1. #1
    Community Member tralfaz81's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Default Severlin - Balance goals

    Just like to say I'm pretty sure what you're after with your proposals and goals towards incentive for pure breed classes and I completely agree with you (though I'm sure many others wouldn't).

    That said, I really hope that any changes that roll out won't include taking a nerf bat to existing classes to prevent said classes from being over used for splash purposes. Many classes (Pals and Barbs especially) will only suffer from nerfing certain aspects no matter what you add - simply, add to the classes - don't subtract from them.

    Instead of nerfing existing classes, I strongly suggest looking at and re-evaluating alignments. Part of what puts the game out of balance is the ability splash classes that are nearly polar opposites of one another (rogues with Pals, good aligned Pals with undead based classes). I really think the answer lies with alignment restrictions and not with taking away appealing features of existing classes.

    Looking forward to the changes as they roll out.
    "Shut up and die like a wizard"

  2. #2
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Interesting hmmmmmm

  3. #3
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tralfaz81 View Post
    Just like to say I'm pretty sure what you're after with your proposals and goals towards incentive for pure breed classes and I completely agree with you (though I'm sure many others wouldn't).

    That said, I really hope that any changes that roll out won't include taking a nerf bat to existing classes to prevent said classes from being over used for splash purposes. Many classes (Pals and Barbs especially) will only suffer from nerfing certain aspects no matter what you add - simply, add to the classes - don't subtract from them.

    Instead of nerfing existing classes, I strongly suggest looking at and re-evaluating alignments. Part of what puts the game out of balance is the ability splash classes that are nearly polar opposites of one another (rogues with Pals, good aligned Pals with undead based classes). I really think the answer lies with alignment restrictions and not with taking away appealing features of existing classes.

    Looking forward to the changes as they roll out.
    I disagree. Classes that are "overused for splash purposes" are not balanced correctly and _should_ be re-balanced. The enhancement pass all but killed pure class builds by making the vast majority of class enhancements stack with each other. An acrobat (or a henshin mystic) stick user is pretty much half as effective if they don't splash the other prestige. What could make the (formerly) religiously pure monk give up 5 levels to another class...the kensai prestige letting them center any weapon they choose!?!

    I would like to see more done with alignment restrictions, however. There's a seed of a good idea there.

  4. #4
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by tralfaz81 View Post
    Just like to say I'm pretty sure what you're after with your proposals and goals towards incentive for pure breed classes and I completely agree with you (though I'm sure many others wouldn't).

    That said, I really hope that any changes that roll out won't include taking a nerf bat to existing classes to prevent said classes from being over used for splash purposes. Many classes (Pals and Barbs especially) will only suffer from nerfing certain aspects no matter what you add - simply, add to the classes - don't subtract from them.
    This part I mostly agree with. Class balance is actually a lot closer then most people would like to believe. In heroic levels the "best" builds are actually not that much stronger then the worst. With equal gear you can actually expect most level 19 characters to perform at a somewhat similar level. Obviously there are some issues, but most class based balance concerns can probably be solved without nerfs.
    If/when the nerf bat comes out, it would be much better to focus it on the actual balance problems, namely epic destinies that unfairly multiply the effectiveness of certain classes more then others. Nerfing destinies instead of classes also has less risk of "breaking" builds since they are available to all characters equally.

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