Wow to think my Foolhardy Berserker is almost complete. I have the most kills in almost every quest, and the most deaths. I will kill twice what you kill, and I’ll die 3-folds doing it.
As many others, I have followed names resembling Asundared and Damonozs to arrive here. I have mere days left and I will have reach my final goal. It has taken me over 20 attempts to reach completion. With only 6 attempts left, I cannot believe it will all be over soon. Mere months remain my friends, mere months remain…
This hill seemed endless at the beginning, but now the ledge is in sight. Soon my friends I will be there, and um… I’ll need somebody to pull my sorry butt out of this trench I have dug myself!
(Guild) You: “Ravni hurry up, we are late. Late to join the Gods among the stars.”
The Prints, the Sand, and the Vertical Boulder…
As many others, I continuously work towards that ledge.
Moving ever so slowly, to complete my final pledge.
I cannot stop, I cannot wander.
In mere months I will be yonder.
As many others, I have followed great men here.
Charging into battle, I will have nothing to fear!
By this goofball