I'll probably be extremely late tonight, if I can make it.
I'll probably be extremely late tonight, if I can make it.
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Quest done
entire Necro 4 chain on EN
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Quest done
TOEE part 2 EC
flagged for Thunderholme raids
Extended Haunted Halls EN
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Nynaave (extremely late)
Quests done
ADQ pre-raid
Haunted Halls Extended EN
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Quests done
Fire on Thunder Peaks (and we completed it!)
Chains of Flames (heroic casual to get Nynaave flagged)
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Quests done
Deathwyrm - normal (full raid party)
Fall of Truth - hard (full raid party)
ADQ - normal (just us four)
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
That was a fun 1st night everyone. (I almost feel bad I was mostly asleep during the last 30 minutes or so, but my conscience has been seared in that respect...) It was cool to make it all the way to level 3 in just the first night.
Players Present
Quests done on ELITE
The Storehouse's Secret
Stopping the Sahuagin
Necromancer's Doom
Heyton's Rest
The Collaborator
The Cannith Crystal
Stop Hazadill's Shipment
The Smuggler's Warehouse
Retrieve the Stolen Goods
Protect Baudry's Interests
Misery's Peak
The Kobolds' New Ringleader
Bringing the Light
Level at end of play time: 3
Last edited by Catteras; 06-01-2015 at 08:32 PM. Reason: spelling
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Reminder that today is the first Thursday of the month, so I have a standing meeting. Post the quests done I will complete by Sunday.
Players Present
Clyyde (extremely late - he's one ooze duty now)
Quests done on ELITE
Walk the Butcher's Path
The Sunken Sewer
Stealthy Repossession
Recovering the Lost Tome
Missing in Action
Information is Key
Garrison's Missing Pack
Durk's Got A Secret
Defend Haverdasher
Level at end of play time: 3[/QUOTE]
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Anithir (seriously late -- what is seriously late???)
Quests done on ELITE
Where there's smoke
kobold assault
redfang the unruled
Catacombs CHAIN
Level at end of play time: 4
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Quests done on ELITE
Waterworks 1 & 2
STK pt 1
Sacred Helm
Swiped Signet
Level at end of play time: 5
Last edited by Catteras; 06-14-2015 at 11:30 AM.
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Hi guys. I mentioned when I hooked up with you all that I might sometimes be about a half hour late on Sundays. That may happen this week, though I'll do my best to avoid it.
By the way, the toon's name is Anikir.
I have a pen and paper group today. I may be late to group tonight.
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Nynaave (Late - but not seriously late)
Quests done on ELITE
Waterworks 3 & 4
STK pt 2,3
Tangleroot 1,2,3,4
Freshen The Air
Level at end of play time: 5 (Level to 6 before Thursday)
Last edited by hp1055cm; 06-15-2015 at 11:26 AM. Reason: Yesterday's date was actually the 14th
Players Present
Quests done on ELITE
Sharn Syndicate chain
Depths pt 1 and 2
Rest for the Restless
Proof is in the Poison
Level at end of play time: 6 (if you can take 7, take 7)
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Quests done on ELITE
Necro 1 chain
Guard Duty, 2 Fire Caves 3Bc quests
finished depths chain
Level at end of play time: 7
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Players Present
Quests done on ELITE
finished Tangleroot chain
Archer Point Defense
Chamber of Insanity
Lair of Summoning
Delera's first quest
Level at end of play time: 8
Heroes and Marauders || Static Group Thursdays 8-10 ET & Sundays 7-10 ET || Clyyde (wizard/rogue), Meensc (arcane archer), Nynaave (swashbuckler), Greantun (short monk), Aeropostle (monk)
Former heroes or marauders that we will remember fondly:
Tagez - famous for running off in the wrong direction but always ending up with one of us unwittingly following him.
Argonnessen: Totalle (swashbuckler warlock), Catteras (20 Warlock), Paularubia (18 paladin, 2 fighter sword and board brawler)
Hi guys. I forgot that I have to attend a baby dedication tonight for a friend of mine. I'll likely be about half an hour to an hour late (hopefully not more). Will of course catch up on whatever I miss.
Players Present
Quests done on ELITE
Caged Trolls
Purge the Heretics
Mirra's Sleepless Nights
Dead Predators
Redwillows Ruins
Sorrow Dusk Parts 1 - 4
Valek's Mausoleum
Forgotten caverns
Ruined Halls
Level at end of play time: 8