Currently getting the racial stat modifiers to their iconic weapons has a HUGE AP cost making it prohibitive to most builds and makes it so there's a bunch of levels where your gimped. PDK of course does not follow this trend and actually makes it a popular Sorc or Bard race for the melee inclined so I'd say mix PDK and the line that Dwarves/Elves have.
Weapon Training -> Weapon Training -> Weapon Training -> Weapon Training v Stat change
This is WAY too expensive at 2AP a pop and frankly extremely boring
Stat Change 1AP -> Basic Weapon Training 1AP -> Advanced Weapon Training 1AP -> Weapon Mastery 2AP v Special Ability 2AP
BWT and AWT are the same as the current weapon training (although +5% Attack/Damage would be a better) but make more sense to lead into weapon mastery which adds +1 threat range OR multiplier (depending on the weapon) culminating in a cool special ability
So for example Dwarf would look like this
TYWA -> Basic Pick/Hammer/Axe Training -> Advanced Pick/Hammer/Axe Training -> Pick/Hammer/Axe Mastery v Strong Grip
Strong Grip - Grants a Special effect(s) to you Pick/Hammer/Axe
Pick = Vorpal & Bloodletter
Hammer = Dazing & Stunning
Axe = Keen & Limb Chopper
This still incentivizes going to the top tier due to the special ability and the crit range or multiplier but doesn't force some who to spend 20+ AP just to match the "minimum ap pre-req" stat mod change.
Other possible special racial abilities
Elf = Skill (duh :P)
Halfing = "Trick shots" (Multi-selector: 1. Double Toss [Passive] - Throw two weapon per shot, 2. Trip Shot [Active] - make a trip attempt vs. target 10 + half level + Dex, 3. Sneaky Shot [Active] - Combines Bluff and a normal attack)