This is no where NEAR worthy of a capstone...I say drop the Eldritch Blade idea entirely
New Core 20
Arcane Conduit: Grants MT+IMT and you gain the ability to create an torrent of pure force around yourself damaging all your enemies (approx AOE is haste AOE)
Arcane Torrent SLA
Duration: 30 seconds
SP Cost: 50
Cooldown: 2 Minutes (Sorc 70 secs)
Metamagics: Empower, Enlarge, Eschew, Maximize, Quicken
Target: Self, AOE
Save: Partial (No save vs. damage)
Description: Deals XdX Force damage per caster level/x every 2 secs, If the target fails its Str or Dex check, it will be knocked prone until it saves. (this check is made only once at the initial casting)
+25 Force Spellpower
+2 Cha/Int
-2s CD Eldritch Strike
-5s CD Eldritch Tempest
Eldritch Strike and Eldritch Tempest SP cost reduced by 5