wait what?Wow. Way to destroy the value of an Epic Elyd Edge. Thanks for that. And my friends who helped me grind for hundreds of hours thank you as well I’m sure. You might as well hand them out at the door.
This Swashbuckler train-wreck is worse than I expected. So a Warchanter can heal and raise dead, everyone gets to use all martial weapons and wear medium armour, exactly what type of Bard is a Spellsinger intended to be now?
Redundant heals, DC and spell pen on some horrible spells, and maga regen? WOOT!
And don’t say fascinate. You know no one uses it. No matter how you buff it, you will never be able to shake the baffling lack of logic to the tune of “hey, it’s sleeping, it’s even easier to kill now!” into “wait, it’s sleeping, we don’t need to bother.”
You appear to be in the midst of damage control post-Swashbuckler (a novelty that will be forgotten before the summer is over), and are now in the process of creating some sort of nerfed support franken-mele bard (Warchanter), and I don’t even know what to call this Spellsinger gong-show I am in the middle of.
DC and spell-pen for what? Shout and a disco-ball? Am I being punked? OK, you got me. good one!
That’s so hilariously bass-ackwards compared to the value of the—cut completely—Arcane Aid, I’m not even going to bother trying to explain the (lack of) logic at “work” here.
I am truly stunned at how horrible this PrE is now. It was already difficult to work with, but if you dedicated 100% of your stats, enhancements, feats, gear &c to pure support Spellsinger, you could actually make it work quite nicely, but you had to be very dedicated.
My sole motivation as a Spellsinger was to build a character designed solely to enhance the gameplay experience of others. All I see now is a party-trick. I’m glad I read this before my final TR into a support Bard (which I planed to do today). You have successfully made the entire class worthless.
Thanks Swashbuckler. Have a great summer.