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  1. #21
    Community Member Shmuel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzermeyer View Post
    However part of how that works is with Mantle of the Icy Soul which gives -4 to reflex saves, which this build will miss out on.
    It is true that a pure would have 1 higher DC and the ability wit that mantle to debuff reflex saves so would technically be more effective than my build, even though, as I said above, I tend to shoot for the most effective possible build. The problem with this is that DPS is so much lower that having stuff knocked down, but not dead, is not really effective. Yeah, a Shiradi could sit and wait for its random effects to kill the stuff, but that involves waiting. I tend to drop Earthquake, then divine wrath, an energy burst and a hellball and 2 seconds later everything is dead. if there is a straggler mob living then a quick ruin will eliminate him while I am running to the next group of mobs. No waiting, no fussing.
    Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak

  2. #22
    Community Member
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    Sep 2006

    Default Trying out the Druid Buidl -Xadin

    I am interested in trying this build cause I like doing the fire elemental thing.

    So my experience with this build for the first 10 levels:

    this is recommend path.
    L1 Druid
    L2 FVS
    L3 FVS
    L4 FVS
    L5 FVS
    L6 Monk
    L7-20 Druid

    Do not do this path!!!
    He is giving you and end build not an efficient path to this end build.

    So I recommend :
    L1 Druid
    L2 Monk
    L3 -16 Druid
    L17-20 FVS

    You have to start out with SLA just so you can conserve on power.
    Inless you want to buy ton of mana pots then by all means go crazy, but if you do that then doesn't matter what caster you pick then.

    going down the druid path first allows you to at least get your damage spells at your early levels rather than waiting as I have.

    Also as of right now I didn't take toughness, I took single weapon just so I can do something on melee with flame blade. An extra 3hp +1 hit point each level isn't that big. its 31hp bonus at max level with epic giving another 50. 81 hit points for 2 feats? ehh up to you.

    Hopefully around level 12 when I finally get fire wall this path wont be such nightmare. If you druid first you can avoid some of this nightmare build. It will also allow you to get your SLA earlier also.
    God I hope the next 10 levels go better. I am also a Completionist, this is so far the worst build I have ever started with. The auther shows some very good wisdom, why it interest me.

    As for feats I have taken empower maximize heighten (not toughness- your call on this, but single weapon prof in place) completionist and quicken.

    Now I understand you need your DC up their, but 4 feats for 4 dc?! goodness, ehh still debating if that is wise path.
    if I do that I get According to this author:

    Earthquake DC : 74-76 depending on diadem proc,
    Salt ray DC: 73

    will doing 70 on earthquake and 69 on salt ray be failure without those 4 feats?!? I wonder if replacing those with mental toughness and improve and epic toughness would be wiser. or maybe well so many more options you can take here.

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