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  1. #1
    Community Member Ailia's Avatar
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    Default Heavy SWF Soul (U22-U23)

    This build is basicly a case of walking the line between Shoikan and Bladed Crusader in terms of design. Rather than trying to maximize the benefit of Warpriest, this build attempts to gain a bit more power and durability via other avenues. Mainly this comes in the form of SWF and Heavy Armor.


    Epic Completionist, Many Heroic Lives, +6 Tomes, +5 Skill Tomes, Ship Buffs ~Permanent, No Outside buffs, Yugo Pots Are Annoying!

    Clickies omitted from stats, but mentioned when relevant in text.

    Hard Requirements

    Not much, 32pt no tomes will work. ~80 Shadow Dragon Raids, ~40 Fire Dragon Raids to complete gear.

    Build Goals

    Solid Melee DPS vs Undead, High Fort Trash (10 Haste & Damage Boosts, GSWF Thunderforged Weapon, High Str)
    Solid Burst Damage (Energy Burst, Ruin, Haste&Damage Boost, Zeal of the Righteous, Momentum Swing, Strike Down)
    Solid AoE (Energy Burst, Strike Down, Cleaves, Consecration, Blade Barrier)
    Durable (~100 PRR, ~70 saves, ~1000 HP, ~60-80 All Resist, ~60%-80% Absorbs, Ghostly, Perm Blur/Displacement Clickies, ~+100% healamp, Many selfheals)

    The Build

    PDK Favored Soul 17 / Paladin 2 / Fighter 1


    Str) 16 -> 42 (+6 Tome, +2 Ship, +8 Item, +1 Excep, +7 levels, +2 enhancement)
    Dex) 10 -> 34 (+6 Tome, +2 Ship, +11 Item, +1 Excep, +4 Insightful)
    Con) 16 -> 37 (+6 Tome, +2 Ship, +8 Augment, +1 Excep, +4 Insightful)
    Int) 12 -> 21 (+6 Tome, +2 Ship, +1 Excep)
    Wis) 8 -> 23 (+6 Tome, +2 Ship, +6 Item, +1 Excep)
    Cha) 16 -> 36 (+6 Tome, +2 Ship, +8 Augment, +1 Excep, +2 Insightful, +1 enhancement)

    Str Buffed: 42 -> 58 (+13 Divine Might, +3 Human Surge)
    Con Buffed: 37 -> 40 (+3 Human Surge)

    Tensors and Primal Scream can boost both by +9 in total.

    HP) 948 (+136 FvS Base, +20 Paladin Base, +10 Fighter Base, +80 Epic Base, +35 Heroic Durability, +420 Con, +15 WP Toughness, +20 Ship, +10 Draconic Vitality, +50 DC Cores, +40 Vitality, +40 False Life, +45 Greensteel, +27 Primal EPL)
    SP) 2508 (+1370 FvS Base, +338 Cha, +66 Wis, +125 DC Core, +62 AoV Core, +60 Pastlife, +462 Item, +25 Ship)
    AC) ~110, not worth enough to bother calculating


    h) Single Weapon Fighting
    f) Power Attack
    1) Cleave
    3) Maximize
    6) Great Cleave
    9) Improved Single Weapon Fighting
    12) Quicken
    15) Greater Single Weapon Fighting
    18) Empower
    21) Improved Critical
    24) Proficiency: Bastard Sword / Overwhelming Critical
    ED) Perfect SWF
    27) Ruin
    ED) Perfect TWF


    Heal 23->42 (+8 epic, +6 stat, +5 tome)
    Spellcraft 23->55 (+8 epic, +4 stat, +5 tome, +15 augment)
    Concentration 23->51 (+8 epic, +15 stat, +5 tome)
    UMD 11->35 (+8 epic, +13 stat, +3 tome)
    Balance 7->29 (+8 epic, +12 stat, +5 tome, -3 Heavy Armor)
    Tumble 1->36 (+8 epic, +12 stat, +5 tome, +13 Augment, -3 Heavy Armor)
    Jump 0->34 (+8 epic, +24 stat, +5 tome, -3 Heavy Armor)

    Cannith Boots or Jump clicky to cap jump when needed.


    Old Enhancements:
    Human - 20
    Damage Boost
    Str I
    Save Boost
    Action Surge: Str III
    Action Surge: Con III
    Heal Amp III
    Greater Heroism
    Angel of Vengeance - 29
    Font of Power
    Shield of Condemnation
    Aura of Menace
    Summon Archon
    Angelic Resistance III
    Scourge III
    Just Reward III
    Smiting IV
    Cha I
    Intense Faith III
    Warpriest - 21
    Smite Foe
    Resilience of Battle
    Domain: Blur
    Divine Might III
    Toughness III
    Wall of Steel III
    Inflame III
    Inflame: Saving Throws III
    Str I
    Kensai - 10
    Kensai Focus
    Extra Action Boost III
    Haste Boost III
    Epic Destiny

    Divine Crusader

    Bane of Undeath
    Purge the Wicked
    Consecration III
    Flames of Purity II
    Sacred Ground
    Empyrean Magic III
    Heavenly Presence
    Celestial Champion
    Strike Down


    Energy Burst
    Momentum Swing
    Primal Scream (Sound Burst, Avenging Light, others situationally)
    Unearthly Reactions


    Head) Dragon Masque (Yellow,Colorless)
    Neck) Necklace of Mystic Eidolons (Green)
    Trinket) Varies
    Cloak) Greensteel Concordant Opposition HP
    Belt) Battlerager's Harness (Green)
    Ring) Lantern Ring (Green)
    Ring) Consuming Darkness (Green)
    Gloves) Iron Mitts (Colorless)
    Boots) Orcish Privateer Boots (Colorless)
    Bracers) Dumathoin's Bracers (Blue)
    Chest) Black Dragon Plate (Blue) / Shadow Dragonplate (Blue)
    Goggles) Sage's Spectacles (Colorless)
    Weapon) Thunderforged X (Touch of Flames, Dragons Edge, Mortal Fear) (Orange)
    Offhand) Thunderforged Orb (Forged Impulse, Forged Evocation Focus, Draconic Reinvigoration) (Orange)


    Orange) 2 (+138 Devotion, Meridian Fragment)
    Green) 4 (+8 Protection, +40 HP, +15 Spellcraft, +13 Tumble)
    Blue) 2 (+100% Fort/AC, +2 Ins Cha)
    Yellow) 1 (+250 SP)
    Colorless) 3 (+8 Con, +8 Cha, Blood Globe)


    Fire) 371 (+132 Item, +45 Implement, +55 Spellcraft, +29 Aov Core, +30 AoV Scourge, +20 Warpriest Cores, +5 DC Interrogation, +20 DC Empyrean Magic, +20 DC Flames of Purity, +15 Ship)
    Crit) 42% (+18% Item, +5% Magical Training, +8% AoV Smiting, +1% DC Interrogation, 10% DC Empyrean Magic) 42%
    Light) 363 (+144 Item, +45 Implement, +55 Spellcraft, +29 Aov Core, +30 AoV Scourge, +20 Warpriest Cores, +5 DC Interrogation, +20 DC Empyrean Magic, +15 Ship)
    Crit) 42% (+18% Item, +5% Magical Training, +8% AoV Smiting, +1% DC Interrogation, 10% DC Empyrean Magic) 42%
    Force) 349 (+150 Item, +45 Implement, +55 Spellcraft, +29 Aov Core, +30 AoV Scourge, +5 DC Interrogation, +20 DC Empyrean Magic, +15 Ship)
    Crit) 24% (+5% Magical Training, +8% AoV Smiting, +1% DC Interrogation, 10% DC Empyrean Magic) 24%
    Positive) 304 (+138 Augment, +45 Implement, +42 Heal, +29 Aov Core, +10 DC Extraordinary Virtue, +5 DC Interrogation, +20 DC Empyrean Magic, +15 Ship)
    Crit) 16% (+5% Magical Training, +1% DC Interrogation, 10% DC Empyrean Magic) 16%

    Healing Amplification

    30% Iron Mitts
    15% Paladin Pastlives
    10% Human I
    10% Human II
    10% Human III
    10% DC Extraordinary Virtue
    10% Ship

    +118.8% Healing


    Fortitude) 71 (+10 FVS Base, +3 Paladin Base, +2 Fighter Base, +4 Epic Base, +15 Con, +8 Item, +13 Divine Grace, +4 Greater Heroism, +3 AOV Angelic Resistance, +2 Good Luck, +1 Aura of Good, +3 Brace EPL, +3 Ship)
    Reflex) 69 (+10 FVS Base, +12 Dex, +8 Item, +13 Divine Grace, +4 Epic Base, +4 Greater Heroism, +3 AOV Angelic Resistance, +2 Good Luck, +1 Aura of Good, +3 Brace EPL, +6 Unearthly Reactions, +3 Ship)
    Will) 56 (+10 FVS Base, +6 Wis, +8 Item, +13 Divine Grace, +4 Epic Base, +4 Greater Heroism, +3 AOV Angelic Resistance, +2 Good Luck, +1 Aura of Good, +3 Brace EPL, +2 Ship)
    +12 All saves when blocking


    Fire) 85 (+50 Item, +10 Inherant, +10 Fvs, +15 Ship)
    Absorb) 44.7% (+33% item, +15% Ship, +3% Arcane EPL)
    Cold) 80 (+45 Item, +10 Inherant, +10 Fvs, +15 Ship)
    Absorb) 44.3% (+25% Amaunator's Brilliance, +15% Ship, +10% DC Heavenly Presence, +3% Arcane EPL)
    Electric) 70 (+45 Item, +10 Fvs, +15 Ship)
    Absorb) 25.7% (+15% Ship +10% DC Heavenly Presence, +3% Arcane EPL)
    Acid) 60 (+45 Item, +15 Ship)
    Absorb) 25.7% (+15% Ship, +10% DC Heavenly Presence, +3% Arcane EPL)
    Sonic) 60 (+45 Item, +15 Ship)
    Absorb) 15% (+15% Ship)
    +12 All Resists when blocking

    PRR) 98 (+36 Heavy Armor, +30 Item, +9 Divine EPL, +3 PDK IPL, +10 WP Wall of Steel, +10 DC Heavenly Presence)
    Reduction) 40.7% Physical

    Mitigation U23

    PRR) 107 (+45 Heavy Armor, +30 Item, +9 Divine EPL, +3 PDK IPL, +10 WP Wall of Steel, +10 DC Heavenly Presence)
    Reduction) 41.6% Physical, 41.6% Magical

    Fire Absorb) 67.7% (+41.6% MRR, +33% item, +15% Ship, +3% Arcane EPL)
    Cold Absorb) 67.5% (+41.6% MRR, +25% Amaunator's Brilliance, +15% Ship, +10% DC Heavenly Presence, +3% Arcane EPL)
    Electric Absorb) 56.6% (+41.6% MRR, +15% Ship +10% DC Heavenly Presence, +3% Arcane EPL)
    Acid Absorb) 56.6% (+41.6% MRR, +15% Ship, +10% DC Heavenly Presence, +3% Arcane EPL)
    Sonic Absorb) 50.3% (+41.6% MRR, +15% Ship)
    All Other Spells) 41.6% (41.6% MRR)

    Damage may additionally be reduced by half on a successful save
    Clickies Avaliable for additional 50% Fire & 50% Cold absorb
    Twist avaliable for additional 50% Electric or 50% Acid

    Damage Per Swing Breakdown

    Values relative to Rapier/Scimitar Vs Bastard Sword


    4.75W) 16.625 to 26.125
    Str) 48
    Deadly) 11
    DC Core) 4
    Inflame) 4
    Sneak) 0 to 9
    Seeker) 19 on crit
    Crit) x2 on crit
    Consecration) +7.5%


    Touch of Flames) 35
    Dragons Edge) 69 on crit
    Mortal Fear) 36
    Dragon Masque) 7
    Battleragers) 3.5
    Mortal Fear Proc) ~1.25% mob HP

    Damage Boost and the damage portion Zeal of the Righteous swing things in favor of physical temporarily while active, averaged benefit from each is 13.3% and 15.6% respectivly.
    Haste Boost and the doublestrike portion of Zeal of the Righteous don't change the relative values.

    Average Damage Contribution Breakdown

    Lantern ring adds an additional 205.2 damage per targeted spell on average


    Archon) 150.3 @ 0.07sp/second (95.4 Average per 2 seconds + 205.2 Lantern ring, recast every 5 minutes)
    Strike Down) 40 AoE @ 0.4sp/second (500 + melee damage AOE, 12 second cooldown, ~0.5 swing time)
    Consecration) 122.2 AoE @ 1.36sp/second (2566 AoE across 6? tics, heals caster, 20 second cooldown, ~1 sec cast time, no save, cannot crit)
    Energy Burst) 159.7 / 79.85 / 0 AoE @ 0.65sp/second (4872.4 AoE Average Per cast, Reflex Save, 30 second cooldown, ~0.5 cast time)


    Ruin) 350.7 @ 12sp/second (4178.8 Average per cast + 205.2 Lantern ring, 12 second cooldown, ~0.5 sec cast time)

    Recommended Alternate Destinies

    Unyielding Sentinel) Tanks up nicely, also a good choice if needing to play dedicated heals.

    Exalted Angel) Switches emphasis more to casting, also a solid ranged/heal option in situations that don't favor melee.

    Legendary Dreadnaught) This setup blitzes well with a full set of cleaves, double strength to damage. Balizarde against low fort, Thunderforged against high fort.

    Fury of The Wild) Good adrenaline recharge due to PSWF, generates huge crits on an Adrenalined Momentum Swing.

    Arcane destinies aren't recommended, Draconic is likely to be the most viable however.

    ETR Leveling Gear Suggestions

    10% Attack speed Trinket at 1

    Greensteel HP Cloak, SP Belt at 11

    Cannith Boots at 18, useful beyond that for double-wings

    The Eveningstar PDK set works well 20-24

    Balizarde, Celestia avalaible at 23

    Thunderforged Potency Orb at 24

    Black Dragon Armor/Helm at 25

    Comparison with Shoikan


    +Single Target DPS
    +No Save Helpless
    +Monk Stances

    Heavy SWF

    +High PRR
    +Twist/Destiny/Weapon Flexibility
    +AC (Who Cares?)
    +Heavy Armor MRR (U23)

    Both builds are mostly the same core and result in similar spell power with it coming down to taste on Centered TWF VS Armor SWF. Shoikan is much more heavily optimized for EE, this build was an attempt to keep some flexibility but that sure doesn't come free though the hope is U23 will close the gap between the two builds in EE; both dominate EH.

    Comparison with Bladed Crusader

    Bladed Crusader

    +Reconstruct more reliable than Heal
    +Better Cleaves
    +Higher Damage Per Hit

    Heavy SWF

    +Many Heal Amp Synergies
    +Higher Melee DPS
    +Thunderforged Better with High # Hits/second
    +Weapon Flexibility
    +High PRR
    +Heavy Armor MRR (U23)

    Both builds are even more similar than the comparison with Shoikan even all the way down to the gear, practically everything but the choice of chest armor. Heavy SWF comes up a bit better defensively and the extra two feats go a long ways. Warforged Immunities are handy in a few cases, but most of them can be replicated by worn items and FvS spells, not to mention both builds have high saves. Currently the builds are both around the same in effectiveness, U23 will swing things in favor of the heavy armor a lot.

    Variant Options


    Swap SWF Feats for THF feats, dump balance
    Not recomended for level 28 play, good option if ETRing rapidly and already stocked on endgame weapons (ESOS, EAGA, Skybreaker)


    Swap SWF Feats for TWF, dump balance, move one point from cha and con to bump dex to 15

    Mainstat CHA

    Move all but one (more if lacking tomes) levelups to cha instead of str for higher saves and better DCs on epic spells.
    If skipping Overwhelming Critical, move all levelups to cha.


    Consider Shoikan instead of this build, it plays on this synergy better.
    Last edited by Ailia; 07-24-2014 at 12:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Looks good, curious what the expert feedback will be.

  3. #3
    Enlightened Completionist
    Marten's Avatar
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    Default Multi-Class builds seem to forget...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ailia View Post
    The Build

    PDK Favored Soul 17 / Paladin 2 / Fighter 1
    Almost every multi-class build I read, that doesn't include the Character Planner's notes, seem to leave out what class is taken at what level. Could you please post what class was taken for levels 1-20?

    I have a first life pure FvS with +3 tomes atm, but with many other resources from the new dragon raids and a +20 Heart. I would like to update it to something more useful and fun to play. Any help would be well received.
    Martens -The Enlightened One, Triple-Cubed Completionist, "Abbot Slayer," Mournlander (30 Monk Martens' 3.0 Build) * Marten (30 Cleric) Sarlona
    ** My IRL Epic **

  4. #4
    Community Member Ailia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marten View Post
    Almost every multi-class build I read, that doesn't include the Character Planner's notes, seem to leave out what class is taken at what level. Could you please post what class was taken for levels 1-20?

    I have a first life pure FvS with +3 tomes atm, but with many other resources from the new dragon raids and a +20 Heart. I would like to update it to something more useful and fun to play. Any help would be well received.
    Honestly I would recommend just hitting a TR to PDK if you have the iconic available, not worth wasting a +20 if you are already an FvS. If you are non-human/PDK the +20 really isn't an option anyways due to needing the extra human feat.

    Be careful with the balance requirements of Single Weapon Fighting, you must meet the requirements the level before you need to take the feat. Level 1 is an exception to this.

    Not really constrained by order here, Assuming TR into PDK I would recommend:

    1 Fighter
    1 FvS
    2 Pal
    Rest FvS

    Assuming TR into Human, I would recommend:

    1 FvS
    1 Fighter
    11 FvS
    2 Pal
    Rest FvS
    Last edited by Ailia; 06-19-2014 at 01:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Lord_Midnight's Avatar
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    I have to say that one thing I noticed is you have listed that spellcraft is intended to up your positive spell power may I ask how this is to happen as it excludes pos and neg power by the description of the skill itself other than that I see not major problems

  6. #6
    Community Member Ailia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Midnight View Post
    I have to say that one thing I noticed is you have listed that spellcraft is intended to up your positive spell power may I ask how this is to happen as it excludes pos and neg power by the description of the skill itself other than that I see not major problems
    Doesn't surprise me, been fixing errors like that constantly. Think I'm up to 37 edits already between adding more information and fixing wrong/missing values.

    Assuming all goes as planned I'll be TRing into this tomorrow and I'll vet the numbers and evaluate its performance more thoroughly.
    For those curious at the time of TR I'll have:

    3x Paladin PL
    2x Sorc PL
    1x FvS PL, 1x Wiz PL, 1x Cleric PL, 1x Fighter PL

    2x Bladeforged IPL
    1x PDK IPL

    3x Brace EPL, 3x Enchant EPL, 3x Colors EPL, 3x Doublestrike EPL
    Last edited by Ailia; 06-20-2014 at 01:19 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ailia's Avatar
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    Major update to build stats, in actual gameplay the up-time on tensors is iffy and causes some self-healing issues in EE, primal scream isn't used as often as first thought, and concentration seems mandatory due to the bug with quicken not always working properly.

    Also considering Bastard Sword in place of Overwhelming critical; OC increases effective crit by 2, in best case giving 25->27 (8%) on a Longsword, to as bad as 27-> 29 (7.4%) as seen on a rapier/scimitar. The real net increase is less due to the prevelance of 100% fort mobs combined with the builds avaliable fort bypass, the lack of weapon proc scaling with crit multiplier, and the large percentage of magical damage.

    Bastard Sword nets slightly better base damage, but more importantly glancing blows. 20% of non-crit damage on 50% of swings will glance and without THF feats 0% of weapon procs will glance; however most non-weapon melee effects ignore this 0% chance and additionally cleave always glance.

    The following are unknowns and thus aren't taken into account: Mortal Fear proc on glance, Meteoric Star Ruby on glance, Bane Damage on glance (not sure why i never tested this one)

    Other notes: Currently at level 24 with the build, levels 20-22 felt a bit weak due to lack of a good weapon and spellpower, make a point to skip these levels with sagas on further lives. At 23 things got a lot more solid with balizarde, 24 rounded out the spell offense a lot due to thunderforged potency offhand. Looking forward to seeing how it performs with its endgame gear on, its already obliterating EH and making solid contributions in EE wheloon/stormhorns.
    Last edited by Ailia; 06-23-2014 at 08:16 PM. Reason: Removed Erranous Information

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