So, I'm preparing to try out druid with my friends. We will have myself, an assassin, and some sort of paly multi-class tank. We may have a fourth friend join as a wizard, but that's still TBD.
To date the most fun I've had playing has been on an instakilling sorc, but despite TRing, my friends & I have done very little 'end game'. Part of this is the fact that hirelings can't come into raids, and scroll healing only works so well. Part of it is of course, that most raids are not set up for 3 people and we tend to just go in shortman rather than find more people. And DC sorcs are not quite as awesome in EEs.
I greatly enjoy CC, although I think instakills count as CCI've been playing a necro cleric and loving it. Cleric has very little CC though, which has been noticeable in our EE ventures. My thought is that with druid I'll still be able to keep people alive on EE and any raids we venture into, as well as providing CC and some amount of damage. I will have a wiz PL and 3 sorc for the druid life, so my earthquake should be nice, and then all I will need is for Turbine to add the earthbind spell into the game so it will work on the fliers
So, the advice:
Feat choices - I assume the full line of spell focus evocation. What about spell pen? I also assume Empower Healing? Does maximize work on rejuv cocoon? What about Epic Feats? Is frogging things actually viable? Toughness optional, what about Mental Toughness? Dodge? ... Enlarge?
How will the druid healing be different? Right now I have radiant burst, but not aura. For standard fights, rejuv cocoon is as close as it goes for vigor type spells, and really it's awesomeness is more about temp hps and less about the regen factor. Will we all need to carry restoration potions around, since the burst won't be there to conveniently un-level drain?
Finally, is there anything I should go out of my way to acquire before TRing? I have the epic sage pieces, and one guardian ring, as well as the lower level versions. Should I get a Wall of Wood? Shadowsight? I have enough ingots to craft one kind of lousy thunder-forge weapon... but do I want lootgen cold & Negative sticks? cold & fire? Lightning? ... Should I actually make an effort for some sort of Greensteel? (I've done Shroud a few times, but I don't often look for it, so am woefully behind on crafting something useful)