I noticed that using the One Click ship button gives me a +5% XP shrine. Not the old one still stored in the cargo hold, but the new Shrine of Experience V. This is great and all but it doesn't seem to be WAI for two major reasons:

•It lasts for only 1 hour and 30 minutes. This means that all the other buffs lasting for however long are completely useless. May as well make them all last for a flat 1.5 hours because I wont be running without the +5% any time soon, therefore I'll have to rebuff every 1.5 hours, which is very little improvement over the previous 1 hour.
•It is removed on death. I thought that the new buffs would persist through death, and though they do, the XP shrine does not. Therefore it makes the buffs that do completely useless for the same reason in the first bullet. If I die, I will have to go rebuff now, so may as well make the other buffs disappear on death as well because I will receive them again when buffing.

So, this isn't WAI, is it? Because if it is, they may as well make all the buffs last only 1.5 hours and disappear on death.