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  1. #1
    Community Member schelsullivan's Avatar
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    Default Pure Monk get a blue bar how?

    So I dont know much about monks, so I thought I would play a pure monk to cap and learn. So I finally got my epic destinies worked to get rejuvenation cocoon twisted in but alas, lol im a monk I dont have a blue bar. Whats the solution?
    Argonnessen - Glibb Bonefish, Lev 28 pure Elf Ranger

  2. #2
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schelsullivan View Post
    So I dont know much about monks, so I thought I would play a pure monk to cap and learn. So I finally got my epic destinies worked to get rejuvenation cocoon twisted in but alas, lol im a monk I dont have a blue bar. Whats the solution?
    Wear a spell point item or take magical training feat.

    EDIT: Or slot a yellow spell point augment
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  3. #3
    Community Member Firewall's Avatar
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    Or choose an Epic Destiny that provides spellpoints.

  4. #4
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    As a class that doesn't inherently give you SP, there are only three sources of SP which you are lacking:
    1. SP from class levels. Classes which have SP give more SP as you level up. You won't have this.
    2. SP from enhancements. Classes which have no SP inherently do not have enhancements that give SP.
    3. SP from ability modifiers. Each class that has SP has an attribute modifier connected to SP. For example, Paladins use WIS to get bonus SP. Bards use CHA to get bonus SP. Artificers use INT. (Etc)

    Every other source of SP is available to you:
    1. SP from Epic Destinies. Some Destinies give SP as part of their core abilities. These are Primal Avatar, Shiradi Champion, and all the Divine and Arcane Destinies.
    2. Direct SP from items. Power, wizardry, and magi items will give you SP. Augments are item-given SP, so these are in that category.
    3. Past life feats? I haven't done enough reincarnation, and it seems like Sorcerer and Favored Soul past life feats probably wouldn't give you a blue bar. After you obtain a blue bar through ED's or items, it might give you its bonus, but I'm not sure. You'd need to ask someone else.
    4. Temporary buffs? I know of at least one buff which increases SP: one from the Stormreaver in the level 16 Gianthold raid. I'm not sure if it gives you a blue bar. Probably not, but in any case it's almost certainly irrelevant/useless.

    If you previously had no blue bar, SP from ED's or items will give you a blue bar. This is also how Ki works; currently there is one source of Ki outside of being a monk, the Grandmaster of Flowers Epic Destiny. Using this Destiny gives you a yellow bar.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xiadais View Post
    As a class that doesn't inherently give you SP, there are only three sources of SP which you are lacking:
    1. SP from class levels. Classes which have SP give more SP as you level up. You won't have this.
    2. SP from enhancements. Classes which have no SP inherently do not have enhancements that give SP.
    3. SP from ability modifiers. Each class that has SP has an attribute modifier connected to SP. For example, Paladins use WIS to get bonus SP. Bards use CHA to get bonus SP. Artificers use INT. (Etc)

    Every other source of SP is available to you:
    1. SP from Epic Destinies. Some Destinies give SP as part of their core abilities. These are Primal Avatar, Shiradi Champion, and all the Divine and Arcane Destinies.
    2. Direct SP from items. Power, wizardry, and magi items will give you SP. Augments are item-given SP, so these are in that category.
    3. Past life feats? I haven't done enough reincarnation, and it seems like Sorcerer and Favored Soul past life feats probably wouldn't give you a blue bar. After you obtain a blue bar through ED's or items, it might give you its bonus, but I'm not sure. You'd need to ask someone else.
    4. Temporary buffs? I know of at least one buff which increases SP: one from the Stormreaver in the level 16 Gianthold raid. I'm not sure if it gives you a blue bar. Probably not, but in any case it's almost certainly irrelevant/useless.

    If you previously had no blue bar, SP from ED's or items will give you a blue bar. This is also how Ki works; currently there is one source of Ki outside of being a monk, the Grandmaster of Flowers Epic Destiny. Using this Destiny gives you a yellow bar.
    Past lifes give a blue bar, my character has 40 sp (past Life Sorc and FvS) regardless of class.

  6. #6
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gljosh View Post
    Past lifes give a blue bar, my character has 40 sp (past Life Sorc and FvS) regardless of class.
    Thanks! Just what I wanted to know.

  7. #7
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    Since u17, you can take the Magical Training feat, which gives you 80 base SP. It also gives you Echoes of Power, which will slowly restore 12 SP when you drop below, which, ta-da!, is enough to cast Cocoon.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thalone View Post
    Since u17, you can take the Magical Training feat, which gives you 80 base SP. It also gives you Echoes of Power, which will slowly restore 12 SP when you drop below, which, ta-da!, is enough to cast Cocoon.
    "I know I'm missing something"
    *posts reply*
    *reads replies*
    "D'oh, that's what I forgot, magical training."

  9. #9


    One other direction missed from the good suggestions:

    The Arcane Archer tier 1 feat, Energy of the Wild, gives you SP but also gives you the Magical Training feat for more SP and Echoes of Power at its highest rank. You can't take that last rank if you already have the feat from somewhere else, however. A necessary thing for a Zen Archer.

    Magical Training also gives you the proficiency to use Orbs. But as orbs are a magical type of shield, Monks can never use them without becoming uncentered.

    The most immediate way to get a small SP bar as early as level 1 is to wear some of the reward items from Korthos quests, such as the Devoted Goggles. (Not that you'll have any ability to cast spells yet.)
    Last edited by Spencerian; 06-13-2014 at 09:01 AM.
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