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  1. #1
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Default I miss running the Titan raid...

    I remember the good old days when the Titan raid was popular, and would like to run it again. To that end, I've created a 1 Artificer/12 Monk specifically for the purpose of duo-ing the puzzles. It takes a while (about an hour?), but I can get to the end of the pre-raid using 2 accounts on my laptop.

    Sadly, that's as far as I can reliably go. My playing options are pretty limited in both hardware and time, so I can't setup 2 computers side by side in a conference room at work during my lunch "hour", and running both instances on my laptop results in a few seconds of lag between each switch... not enough to handle the pillars and the gun.

    So, to the point of this post - anyone available during the noon hour (Mountain time) that would like to short-man the Titan with me? I'm more than happy to teach someone, all I need from you is some way to heal yourself reliably during the Titan "battle", and the ability to communicate in voice chat. A balance of 40+ would be awesome, but not necessary.

    Normally, I prefer to just put up an LFM and take the first people to click, but no one's clicking and I don't have a lot of time to wait
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  2. #2
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Oh, and I'd be delighted to teach the puzzles to anyone who wants to learn. Multiple teachers is fun too - especially when they are using the same DDO voice chat.

    We don't need anything special for the Yellow puzzle - my monk will handle that unless we get at least 3 real people and at least one of them wants to do the Benny-Hill-race-across-the-vanishing-bridges. Honestly, it's really fun - especially when there's 9-10 people running across them

    Green puzzle can be solved with Ddoor and pets - my monk will handle that unless we get 6 people who want to solve it in the original fashion. I don't enjoy standing in a room waiting for the door to open, but don't let me dictate how you have fun. Oh, and a feather-fall item is handy too. While it's possible to solve so that the bridges stay down, it's often faster to just jump across, and those lava pits don't make for a soft landing.

    Bring an underwater action item if you want to learn the Red puzzle - it generally takes too long and you can't drink Cure Serious pots fast enough to avoid drowning. True story...

    Construct Bane/Smiting weapons are lots of fun too... last I heard, 2-handed weapons cause pillars to fall in the wrong direction, so 1-handed is best if you want to do the "bottom pillars" in the final part. Not sure about handwraps, runearms, wildforms, etc... - let's hit him 6 times then experiment with the remaining pillars. Ranged weapons are recommended for the "top pillars", but those don't require special handling last I heard.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Ran this over the weekend to grab favour on my current TR character. Actually had someone join this time; typically when I run it, I end up dual/tripleboxing it. Have you tried turning your graphics/background processes way down when dualboxing? Or running off a USB key? My machine is six years old at this point, and I don't have issues dualboxing.

    Tip: if you have a source of burst damage, you can prep the Titan's health to just above 80%, then burst. You will need fewer than six pillar hits to knock out his shield, and can grab your first power from the top. I took a Draconic in there and did the breath attack; only needed four lasers to win.
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  4. #4
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default I ran it once...

    I ran it once and failed with a group. I tried running it solo a few times right after that, but I got the same result down near the end. I still have the flagging pieces, but haven't run any of the content this life, because it seems to be solo affair (nobody interested in running it with me).

    It's one of the raids I've never completed. Maybe I will try and solo again, but my memory is faded since it was so long ago (last year).

    I might try and wrap my brain around it and give it another go since I'm L28. I've never ran or never completed any of these:

    • A Vision of Destruction
    • Ascension Chamber
    • The Titan Awakes
    • The Twilight Forge
    • Tower of Despair
    • Zawabi's Revenge

    Sad that there is some content in DDO I will never likely see or experience, but no biggies. It's only a game. Still can't seem to get that stupid right sigil frame for the Abbot raid.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post

    Sad that there is some content in DDO I will never likely see or experience, but no biggies. It's only a game. Still can't seem to get that stupid right sigil frame for the Abbot raid.
    Right frame is a common drop from inferno. You got 4 days to get it and then you can join our Abbot teaching raid this Saturday

  6. #6


    I thought you quit D:

    Lately I've only ever done it to fill requests in channel because people know I can get it done. Usually just for favor, and sometimes some people want to learn. But else than that, can't say I've ran it much.

    I wouldn't mind flagging and running it more often but sadly that's a little too early for me.

  7. #7
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    Right frame is a common drop from inferno. You got 4 days to get it and then you can join our Abbot teaching raid this Saturday
    This, also I am sure someone else in the High Lords would love to run more Titan as well

  8. #8
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    It's hard to like the quest when 3/4 of the people are told to pike on a ladder for the end fight and never get to learn it. The reflagging is not so fun either. Who wants to re-run 2 level 10 quests to run a raid?
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  9. #9
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    It's hard to like the quest when 3/4 of the people are told to pike on a ladder for the end fight and never get to learn it. The reflagging is not so fun either. Who wants to re-run 2 level 10 quests to run a raid?
    You don't need to rerun the quests, just repair your sigil, which means talk to the guy who repairs it. That's it.
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  10. #10
    Community Member achitophel's Avatar
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    MM Titan was before my time, i think i have only ever flagged one toon for it. This is something (new) i would enjoy playing - after 3bc is ransacked of course..

  11. #11
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Nice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    Right frame is a common drop from inferno. You got 4 days to get it and then you can join our Abbot teaching raid this Saturday

    I will take another crack or 2 at the right sigil frame if I can be4 weekend. I wonder if I will pull this before I get that sigil, Meteoric Star Ruby?

    EDIT ~ Want both those items pretty bad.

  12. #12
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thalone View Post
    Ran this over the weekend to grab favour on my current TR character. Actually had someone join this time; typically when I run it, I end up dual/tripleboxing it. Have you tried turning your graphics/background processes way down when dualboxing? Or running off a USB key? My machine is six years old at this point, and I don't have issues dualboxing.
    The only problem I have is the few seconds it takes to switch from one to the other - does yours switch instantaneously? I'm jealous.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thalone View Post
    Tip: if you have a source of burst damage, you can prep the Titan's health to just above 80%, then burst. You will need fewer than six pillar hits to knock out his shield, and can grab your first power from the top. I took a Draconic in there and did the breath attack; only needed four lasers to win.
    Nice tip, I'll give this a try. Not having to run around the bottom for power would make it easier to take the bottoms out first, then drop the pillars from the top.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    I thought you quit D:

    Lately I've only ever done it to fill requests in channel because people know I can get it done. Usually just for favor, and sometimes some people want to learn. But else than that, can't say I've ran it much.

    I wouldn't mind flagging and running it more often but sadly that's a little too early for me.
    You only think I've quit because I go into stealth mode in between my breaks

    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    It's hard to like the quest when 3/4 of the people are told to pike on a ladder for the end fight and never get to learn it. The reflagging is not so fun either. Who wants to re-run 2 level 10 quests to run a raid?
    That's a good point - I should limit my LFM to 6 people or less.
    Last edited by Phidius; 06-11-2014 at 11:10 AM.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  13. #13
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Arlisa was awesome - first time in the raid, and handled the gun like a pro. Precious was bounced around like a flea on a hot griddle, which was further complicated by the Titan developing a crush on him - ended up parking him in the safe room upstairs, and only bringing him out to reposition the Titan.

    Fun times, but I can't do that every lunch break. Unless, of course, we get more people to make it go faster.

    Oh, and nothing but trash in the final chests. 'Natch.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  14. #14
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    That's one reason I enjoy static groups.

    You have a group with which you can run all these things you don't/can't PUG or solo.

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