I'm working on my last life before TRing into my final iteration on my Cleric. I have a number of past lives on her already (1 FvS, 1 Bard, 3 Wizard, 3 Sorc, and I'm on my 3rd Cleric now).
I will be focusing on Evo and turns along with Light and Positive spells. My question is to stay Human, or Go Sun Elf? Human gets me an extra feat, extra skills, a Wisdom point for DCs, and no penalty to Constitution.
Morninglord has that +6 to turns along with Feywild Trap and extra spell points if you can find the enhancement points to take them, but loses a feat and has the constitution penalty.
Has anyone tried a Morninglord at endgame for Turns and can help me compare them to Humans? I'm looking to TR probably Wednesday after the servers come back up so I need to make a decision relatively soon.
Thanks in advance for any insights that are out there.