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  1. #1
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    Default ten zillion guilds no one joins

    really funny w the airship buffs.New players who see a bigger airship flock to highest lvl guilds(who often have way to many players to give real help alot)Lower lvl guilds w empty rosters cant keep players who join,when they see the ghosttowns.The lower guilds have players who want to help newbs,is what newbs arent realizing.Highest guilds have alot of elite zergers and newbs .Last 30 players quit after seeing roster size usually,and never even adventured with!..and we lose renown bonus for trying to recruit,and failing...jesuss.Send a tell or Mail,or pm here if anyone wants to join a lvl52 guild in ghallanda(King Diamond Coven)I wont hold my breath;w bigger airships commin and my tiny stormglory bolt,I'm sure players will continue to run away from smaller guilds.

  2. #2
    Community Member JGHN's Avatar
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    understand that been trying also on another server and then when we get ones that stay in the guild they quit playing and we try to help them out as much as possible but we can not baby sit them all the time time because of requirements for other members of the guild and levels.

  3. #3
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    Sep 2013

    Default ddo,make a past life req..for ship bufff use!!!

    i just wish players who dont wanna talk to others would say so...had smone join dy b4 (asked who wants a loyal guild member?)at least he said hi.Then,never answered one question or a few tells(like :u a vet w alt or newb? or the old u need help) then quits guild .Wow does this pattern get OLD .Yea, is it really worth the troubble trying,I must say?I telled him b4 he joined"v small guild,not many loggin in,but i can help ya"Also,I see alot of really uninformed players runnin in lvl80-100 guilds,ship buffs more important than real help ,i guess!With a past life reincarnate req;you automaticallc send new players into TR mode,and 1st lifers wouldn't flock to highest lvl buffs right away.Whloe thing about buffs is stupid!!!! build your character to click on abunch of rediculous bonus'sounds like mario bros.

  4. #4
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    You contradict yourself. You say people only join large guilds for the buffs and then say people leave yours when they see the roster. Perhaps people join superguilds because they like to have a lot of guildmates? You then go on to insult those guilds, and I'm not sure King Diamond Coven is in any position to do so.

    It's really simple. If you want to be a superguild, then be a superguild. Recruit every newb that steps onto Korthos. If you don't, then don't, and use your small guild bonuses to your advantage and only recruit people you've ran with for awhile.

    You're currently guild level 52, so you seem to be chugging along just fine. Level 100 superguilds like LWOG have hundreds of active members. Smaller 100 guilds have been together for years and are incredibly active. These are your two paths to 100.

  5. #5
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    Sep 2013

    Default i dont care either way

    it isnt fair for recruiting that the superguilds have better stuff, that really only newbs need and want.Vets runnin epic,addicted to buffs are kinda funny.Be insulted if you want;free country.If ubber guilds have so many mates they run with ,why am I always helpin players in lvl100 guilds ,flag for raids and such,obvious 1st timers,w no guild help there.

  6. #6
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    Sep 2013

    Default its the stupid ship buffs,1st question asked"hows the ship buffs"

    Quote Originally Posted by jalont View Post

    You're currently guild level 52, so you seem to be chugging along just fine. Level 100 superguilds like LWOG have hundreds of active members. Smaller 100 guilds have been together for years and are incredibly active. These are your two paths to 100.
    to bad, recruits i've seen i ,either never return to the game ,or quit after lookin at available ship buffs.Players I run w that dont buff much,seem to have their own guilds.Free players can be ok,but by lvl12 -14 they move on and never play again;internet tweekers snatch all the forum players lookin..It feels like such a waste of time to try;what lower -med guild dosent get a sick list of inactive players,that ruins size bonus necessary to rise in lvl(i wont let my guild be depository for all inactives in gland).Best scenario for smaller guild is 6-12 moderately active players,w a few rare login types.Leader is usually most active anyways.Keep a small bonus compensates for many players in large guild,runnin w/o bonus(and easier to help population)Growing from there, to med size,should be easy;except no one stays in lower lvl guilds .......It's the draw of the big ship buff problem......I found steady loyal recruit in 2 yrs,that is not personal friend or free player who maxes free content and quit loggin in.Hell, if iIcant recruit ,no matter how helpfull and friendly I am;might as well throw some knut punches out there

  7. #7
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    Default dont deny,that players High guilds dump toons in Low lvl guilds to slow em down

    I been victim to this alot ,untill i went to the squelch.Players join,ask to run a quest..... then jerrk u around for a few untill u realize it is a troll.Looks like they troll guilds under lvl30,and new officers, 1st trippin in tavern brawl.I know alot of other guilds can chime in on this.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powskier View Post
    I been victim to this alot ,untill i went to the squelch.Players join,ask to run a quest..... then jerrk u around for a few untill u realize it is a troll.Looks like they troll guilds under lvl30,and new officers, 1st trippin in tavern brawl.I know alot of other guilds can chime in on this.
    As someone on Ghallanda that runs a small, high level guild, I've never seen this and think it's a bit of nonsense. Well except for maybe tavern brawl, I know nothing of PVP in this game, but from what everyone says, PVP is just full of trolls anyway. But I don't think that's other guilds trolling other guilds. There's one guild on Ghallanda that I would consider a "troll" guild, and they're in shambles after recent bannings. Other than them, I don't see any guild as a troll guild, and most guilds are respectful and nice, and the superguilds, while not always filled with great players (some ARE great players too) are usually filled with nice people as well.

  9. #9
    Community Member Jeremiah179's Avatar
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    I am an officer in one of the large guilds. We do not really remove anyone, ever... we need massive renown per level and really only have about 30-40 people who play a lot. And by a lot I mean log in at least once a week.

    I have rarely found anything wrong with anyone in gland - and my gaming experience has been troll/grief free 99% of the time.

    Gland has been the best game world experience I have ever had in a large game such as DDO as far as tolerance, friendliness and cooperation. Far better than any console or online experience in any game...for me. And I do not mean my guild or the channels I use etc. I mean pugs and when we pick up random people for our raid nights occationally


    Maybe that is just the circles I run in... however I jump in pugs many times every week and they always seem fine to me... and when everyone just does not quite play the way we each like, we still seem to get along fine, finish the quest, and then politely move on...

    I have no experience at all with PvP - it seems it would be a silly waste of time for this has almost nothing set up to enable one-v-one to compete fairly against each other...and almost always would be who lands what gimmick on the other person first. The arena stuff with capture the flag, etc. Sounds more fun...again though, without normalizing components, it almost never works right...
    Jeremiiah - Isaiiah - Zephaniiah - Ghallanda - Old Timers Guild

  10. #10
    Community Member MonadRebelion's Avatar
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    In some ways I think I can feel your pain. I run my guild solo and always thought I'd try recruiting folks once I got my guild up to 60. Sadly, 60 has come and past, and I have yet to open the doors of my guild for reasons similar to what you point out. For the most part, all the folks I would like to recruit are folks who are happy in the guilds they are in. So to recruit them I'd have to ask them, as a friend, to leave their currently happy situation and introduce some unnecessary risk in their gaming life. Who knows how my guild would turn out once I started recruiting people? Who else will I recruit? What kind of guild leader will I turn out to be? How will relations go between my guild and the guild/friends I'm poaching from? etc. Thus, this seems like a bad path to recruitment. Another strategy would be to recruit people I don't know, but this would introduce even more uncertainty. Most likely the quality of the people in my guild would suffer, and the guild would suffer lots of turnover for various reasons. This alternative is unattractive as well. At any rate, the only way I can imagine expanding my guild in acceptable ways would require me to do a lot of work as a guild leader, and I just don't have the desire to put in the work. So it seems to me, if you or other people want to build a really good guild, you just have to work hard for it. No committed, quality player is going to join a guild just because the guild is willing to accept them or just because the guild really wants them. You have to put in the work to convince people it's a good idea to join. Moreover, once they join you have to continue to work to show them it really was a good idea. Since I don't want to do this work, and since I get lots of benefits from knowing people in bigger guilds it's likely I will plug along as I am. (Though, I will say, I have been tempted by the idea of joining another guild since they are raising the guild level to 200.) If you are like me and you don't really want to work hard to have a good guild, you might try making friends with people in guilds you like. Most likely, you'd get virtually all the benefits of being in those guilds without having to leave yours.

  11. #11
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    Default i like puttin i the work/sagas back soon i hope

    but ,flakey players ,and leftovers is all I seem to get.Test builds and I did have personal fallout w a old vet who I used to DM in dice;maybee he was instamental in the BS we had w rogue recruits.He definately tried to slow me down more than help,obvious now that I know better(i think tavern players were culprits,got bashed there way bad verbally as well as my officer Dnarth, 1st time there,new players...?the f I thought,and stayed away from groups long time for same BS/same players?)

  12. #12
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powskier View Post
    but ,flakey players ,and leftovers is all I seem to get.Test builds and I did have personal fallout w a old vet who I used to DM in dice;maybee he was instamental in the BS we had w rogue recruits.He definately tried to slow me down more than help,obvious now that I know better(i think tavern players were culprits,got bashed there way bad verbally as well as my officer Dnarth, 1st time there,new players...?the f I thought,and stayed away from groups long time for same BS/same players?)
    I think guild size is everything. Heck mines lv 80 or 81, and its dead. I think the leader might of ditched it sometimes back to lol. So I just use the buffs and pug, or start raids. It's a solitary life in the ghostown top heh.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  13. #13
    Community Member TheGuyYouKnow's Avatar
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    are you just here to rant that people aren't joining your guild? it certainly seems like it.
    ghallandra no longer being the default server means there are less new people so don't expect rapid expansion

    if people are turned away by large rosters of people who havnt logged on for months then remove them
    if people are turned away by a very small roster pug more, make some friends, advertise
    if people are turned away by low level buffs then level up, get a new ship and try again
    Last edited by TheGuyYouKnow; 06-10-2014 at 02:10 AM.
    Elemo - Patorikku - Happyfruit - Wookiee ~Ghallanda~

  14. 06-11-2014, 11:14 AM

  15. #14
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    Default na

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGuyYouKnow View Post
    are you just here to rant that people aren't joining your guild? it certainly seems like it.
    ghallandra no longer being the default server means there are less new people so don't expect rapid expansion

    if people are turned away by large rosters of people who havnt logged on for months then remove them
    if people are turned away by a very small roster pug more, make some friends, advertise
    if people are turned away by low level buffs then level up, get a new ship and try again
    just wondering how recruitment will improve w ship buffs /huige ships so important to the mass community??? IT WONT!

  16. #15
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    looks like stuck w v small bonus,till lvl60(long way off in renown since we're lvl53 now)around lvl60 I see players stayin longer than 2 minuites,or permanently.I like to never boot a player ,but inactive players who havent lvld in 14 months really dont play

  17. #16
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    Default you dont read do you?

    [QUOTE=SlordaxSigma;5353916]The point is no one wants to be in a guild with a whiny pansy for a guild leader. You want big boats and big buffs... Join a large guild. (quote/powskier) uh I dont even use buffs above lvl12;dont want a big ship;just some fairness in recruiting....if you read player quit b4 adventuring when they see the med size ship..and you lose you rbonus for trying to recruit..yea way fair!Certainly less recruits commin since I dont bother but 1/amonth or two now.Read the post b4 judging,u r lke a cnn report about the president..just rhetoric w no substance

  18. #17
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    There are different categories of what a guild provides to a player

    Power Gamer Focus is usually looking for the "Best" buffs so they can power through the game faster

    Social Player - is looking for a population they can reliably dialog with

    Raid Player is a person looking for a consistent Raid scene

    Shy/Wary player is looking for a group they can be comfortable with and accepts them

    New Player is simply looking for a place to belong - but will likely "Jump Ship" when they see greener grass.

    Why many larger guilds are successful is that they either cater to a single scene or a mix - Such as a Power Gamer/Raid scene or Social/Raid Scene

    The do activities such as setting up Guild Events (not mandatory but in an attempt to help create a bond between guild mates)

    Size/Level will come as you draw people in and get them involved.

  19. #18
    2015 DDO Players Council Daerius of the Blessed Blades's Avatar
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    I have been the guild leader of two guilds, and my current (The Circle of Night) is Guild level 99 and BARELY missed hitting 100 before today's update*. We have about 32 members and 16 of those were active as of last night. So you don't have to be super small or GIANT to be successful.

    Here's my advice for building a guild. Don't do it.

    All joking aside, its hard work. It's not just inviting a few folks, yukking it up, running some quests and watching your guild level grow unless you are REALLY, REALLY lucky. It becomes as much a part of the game as questing sometimes.

    But if you are dead set on sticking with it, here is my advice, for what it's worth.

    (1) Decide WHO YOU ARE and STICK TO IT! For example, The Circle of Night (Ghallanda) is a personality based guild of 'mildly elite' players. We recruit adults, mostly professionals with families, who are interested in end game content but are NOT the mega-play-22-hours-a-day gamers. If you want to see an example of what I mean, our "Who We Are" page is here:

    (2) Get a GuildPortal, or other website, as a place to congregate outside of the game. Clearly post who you are, joining instructions, create a place that guildees WANT to visit (even if its just highlighting important game news, interesting forum posts, helpful walkthroughs, good wiki articles, etc). Content is key, but it doesn't have to be perfect.

    (3) I have found that having a dedicated voice chat OUTSIDE of game is a MUST. We use MUMBLE, but there are lots of other choices. It helps to build a sense of community in a small guild, because we may have 7 people on on a night, and 2 are in some stage of TR'ing, two are running a raid with a PUG, one is flagging, etc. We can all still speak to each other and get to know each other.

    (4) You can't do it alone - other guildees have to buy in and OWN the guilds' mission. This is why knowing who you are, and sticking to it, is so important.

    It sounds touchy-feely, but we stick with the game, and our members ALWAYS seem to come back after trying other games because of that sense of community and shared goals. Most of our members have been playing together in some capacity for 5+ years, and it's not just because of the uber ship buffs.

    * Wow- logged on post U22 update and we're level 104! So there's that..
    Last edited by tbrazile; 06-11-2014 at 01:26 PM.
    Founder, The Circle of Night (Now on Orien!): Daerius (FvS), Khrandok (Alch/Arti), Branwynn (Brd), Vharcan (War), Alluriaan (Rog), et. al.

  20. #19
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    Default Guild thoughts

    Random thoughts about Guilds
    -Guild Amenities may have been the worst thing to hit the game on some level. It started a serious power creep.The buffs are useful to the Level 20 Epic quest crowd (max level back then), which means they were completely overpowered for the lower level players that could be so buffed. Elemental buffs of 30 points (for example) means previously dangerous low and mid level dungeons became cakewalks.
    Limiting the total number of buffs to 1/level or the elemental resists to level appropriate numbers would have been the way to go.
    - I was once in a high level guild with my 2nd main. I had computer issues for a while so when I got back into the game, I was suddenly guildless after being dropped. While I could solo Shavarath quests with him while guild buffed, I definitely couldn't without them.
    - There are far fewer PUGs being listed now compared to years past. Less players in the game, and the high leIvel Guilds are filling parties up all on their own from their massive rosters. This removes even more players from interacting with "noobs" to train them up.
    -Way back, one of my toons won a Guild Creation scroll (or whatever it is) so I put all my toons in it. I got it into the 20s before a long absence from the game... It's nice to know no one can kick me out - I never recruit because I might get too busy again to play for a time. Now VIPs can create guilds which is a nice feature (IF you've played the game awhile... new players should not be creating one just because they can) - but from a buff standpoint, 2 ship buffs are no match for the dozens of buffs available to a high level guild.
    And if I were to recruit, why would anyone really want to join when there are larger guilds available to join?
    - A new alt I created was offered a guild membership before I even finished picking my enhancements. And it wasn't the first time I've had guild recruitment messages from bystanders. Seriously - start groups and recruit players who play well. People who recruit anyone that walks by is asking for possible disappearances from playing.

  21. #20
    Community Member Ykt's Avatar
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    My guild is lvl 97 and we have about 10 active players.

    Not all high level guilds are large. From experience they are usually medium/small.

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