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The differences are subtle but important, and aren't easily comparable numbers. In the planner the stats, HP, AC and other number might look similar, but for example enhancements make a big difference. Feats are visible in planners, and they are very significant. Sometimes numbers might look only slightly different, but are very important, and the gaps become bigger once you add gear and buffs, which are again not immediately obvious from planners.
I won't go into detail but if I had to recommend you either pure paladin or pure fighter, I'd pick paladin due to survivability and self healing from lay on hands and spell points. The power players here will say neither is good pure. Paladin is regarded by optimizers as a class to splash (2 levels for divine grace) whereas fighter can be either a splash or main class, but never pure - they'd want to multiclass some paladin, monk etc. levels.
A shield does add survivability, but only versus physical damage (notwithstanding the shield defletion feat). On the other hand it's a burden against other kinds of threats, eg. it kills your reflex saves, and if I'm correct the shield's maximum dexterity bonus also puts a cap on dodge chance. Additionally, S&B is still the weakest fighting mode. As a sum, shields are useful but optimal only situationally. Against some raid bosses S&B is great, versus others not at all. The solution is to take a mix of shield and 2HF feats, use a two hander in most situations and S&B when that is required.
I'll leave others to correct me and to answer the other questions.