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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New cleric - what are the important spells

    I am a relatively new ddo player - loving the game. I am currently planning/playing a cleric/fighter(1)/paladin(2) build (currently level 12).
    I have read the forums and haven't found an updated post about suggested spells and hotbar setup.

    * Can anyone recommend a spell list they use for both leveling and raids?
    * Which buffs would you use normally?
    * I have seen the posts about using wands/pots/scrolls as well, however what are your go to healing spells that you would recommend?



  2. #2
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chopencore View Post
    I am a relatively new ddo player - loving the game. I am currently planning/playing a cleric/fighter(1)/paladin(2) build (currently level 12).
    I have read the forums and haven't found an updated post about suggested spells and hotbar setup.

    * Can anyone recommend a spell list they use for both leveling and raids?
    * Which buffs would you use normally?
    * I have seen the posts about using wands/pots/scrolls as well, however what are your go to healing spells that you would recommend?



    Are you more a melee cleric or caster cleric? I'm guessing melee with the pally and ftr levels. If that is the case then you will want deathward, Freedom of movement, every form of healing spell you can get including masses for raids and group healing (great for standing in traffic and healing everybody, energy resistance, Protection from evil, nightshield, recitation divine favor resurrection and the no save spells searing light and divine punishment. For anything that requires a dc I wouldn't bother because it would be hard to get them high enough without focusing on them.

  3. #3
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chopencore View Post
    I am a relatively new ddo player - loving the game. I am currently planning/playing a cleric/fighter(1)/paladin(2) build (currently level 12).
    I have read the forums and haven't found an updated post about suggested spells and hotbar setup.

    * Can anyone recommend a spell list they use for both leveling and raids?
    * Which buffs would you use normally?
    * I have seen the posts about using wands/pots/scrolls as well, however what are your go to healing spells that you would recommend?


    Divine power, Freedom of Movement, Prayer, Recitation, Stalwart Pact, Heal (With Quicken), Deathward, Greater Restoration, Elemental Resistance and Protection, Night Shield...maybe a few more I can't think of right off hand.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

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  4. #4
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    I agree with what has been listed so far, except I'd add Symbol of Death ( no save, useful for big hordes of enemies), energy drain (for neg leveling mini-bosses with big amounts of HP, probably only useful past level 20) and Word of Recall (for teleporting convenience) to the list.

    I'll comment on buffs -

    Buffs you want always on for sure are deathward and appropriate energy resists. Nightshield if you don't have a resistance item on for saves. Shield of faith is somewhat helpful until middle to high levels.

    And when meleeing, divine favor should always be on for the +3 damage. Possibly prayer, but for only +1 damage it's not much worth it. Divine power should always be on if you are having trouble with your to hit (typically this is the case up until middle levels if using power attack) or don't have a +6 STR item or higher equipped.

    Other buffs like recitation, protection from evil, stalwart pact, protection from elements, freedom of movement and hero's feast are situationally useful but definitely aren't needed all the time.

    I believe I've hit everything I use, pretty much all buff spells I've not mentioned (unless I've missed one or two) are garbage for a melee cleric and you shouldn't bother with.

    As for scrolls/pots -

    The biggest two are heal scrolls and raise scrolls. This provides you with additional healing and raise abilities for when you need to save SP or your SP runs out. That's all you really need. Should you want to save spell slots you can pick up scrolls of other spells we have listed.

    As for potions carry all the typical potions everyone needs - cure disease, poison, blindness, haste (to cure slowed), lesser restore. This saves spells slots and SP. Also it's a good idea to carry around a few spell point poitions in case you hit a tough situation and are out of SP.

    Also since you're a melee cleric carry lots of rage potions. In addition to divine might and divine favor you should always have rage pot going for +2 STR/CON when fighting. And they last 1:30 which is nice.
    Last edited by axel15810; 06-05-2014 at 03:13 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Important buffs.

    -nightshield- immunity to maggic missiles, self only
    -Fom- immunity to hold spells and slippery serfaces.
    -protection from evil or magic circle for the aoe version- immunity to command and greater command
    -deathward- immunity to level drain, negative energy damage, such as harm or cause wounds spells, stat draining effect from shadows and wraiths, and instakills

    sometimes useful buffs
    -resist energy, yes everyone has ship buffs, but sometimes people die, and sometimes quests take way too long and sometimes you do a whole chain without stopping to rebuff, for those times it handy to have it
    -true seeing

    important offensive spells. in no particular order

    -blade barrier, energy drain, destruction, slay living, implosion
    -divine punishment -for rednames

    useful crowd control spells to make things easier for the rest of the part to kill mobs

    -cometfall, greater command, soundburst, orders wrath, holy smite

    useful healing spells
    -greater restore

    utility spells
    -greater dispell magic, this can get rid of spell wards if you have the patience to cast it 8 or 9 times
    Last edited by Lonnbeimnech; 06-05-2014 at 03:33 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Thanks

    Thank you very much for the replies/help!

  7. #7
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    As was asked earlier, it depends a lot on your build.

    As a caster Cleric, I make heavy use of things like Slay Living, Destruction, Implosion, Hold Person, Greater Command. But I wouldn't expect a melee Cleric to bother with any of those.

    As others said, for melee Clerics, buffs, heals, and a couple DPS spells will usually fit the bill. Also note, if/when you get 9th level spells, Energy Drain can be one of the best DPS spells in the game.

    Also, be aware that some spells are available on scrolls AND JUST AS GOOD from scrolls. Hero's Feast as a pre-shrining buff, Word of Recall if you don't have another way to teleport, or Greater Dispel Magic versus Spell Wards, for a few examples. So you don't need to slot those, just carry some scrolls.

  8. #8
    Community Member kemetka's Avatar
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    Default the power of light!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    As was asked earlier, it depends a lot on your build.

    As a caster Cleric, I make heavy use of things like Slay Living, Destruction, Implosion, Hold Person, Greater Command. But I wouldn't expect a melee Cleric to bother with any of those.

    As others said, for melee Clerics, buffs, heals, and a couple DPS spells will usually fit the bill. Also note, if/when you get 9th level spells, Energy Drain can be one of the best DPS spells in the game.

    Also, be aware that some spells are available on scrolls AND JUST AS GOOD from scrolls. Hero's Feast as a pre-shrining buff, Word of Recall if you don't have another way to teleport, or Greater Dispel Magic versus Spell Wards, for a few examples. So you don't need to slot those, just carry some scrolls.
    also depends on substyle really, for example i have been playing a cleric for 10 lives now ( 9 prior epic lives ) and finishing up my last cleric life in heroics before moving on. if your a caster going divine disciple is a really powerful way to be effective, with minimum spell points, max / empower / quicken / enlarge holy smite will total anything in heroics, and enlarge / heigten sunbeam / sun burst will blind most anything on epics 100% garauntee - my wisdom was only about 38ish i wasnt really pushing for anything - and you can still keep up with kill counts if you care enough to. Slay living and implosion arent the only way to play a caster cleric any more :P

  9. #9
    Community Member Atremus's Avatar
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    I know that I am about 3 weeks too late but in case you ever come back to this thread:

    My Favorite spells:
    Level 1: Night Shield, Nimbus of Light, Obscuring Mist, Remove Fear (for people without GH scrolls)
    Level 2: Resist Energy, Sound Burst, Spawn Screen
    Level 3: Cure Serious, Dispell, Magic Circle Against Evil, Searing Light
    Level 4: Cure Critical, FoM, Holy Smite, Deathward (swap out for anything when DW mass is available - Banishment for Elementals is fun)
    Level 5: Cure Light Mass, Divine Punishment, Slay Living, Spell Resistance
    Level 6: Blade Barrier, Heal, Comet Fall
    Level 7: Destruction, Protection from Elements Mass, Resurection
    Level 8: Cure Critical Mass, Dead Ward Mass
    Level 9: Implosion, Mass Heal

    These are my "go to spells" most of the time.
    Characters: Celemia / Tukson / Thau (Broken link) / Atremus

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